A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
ViewComponent Team
activesupport, method_source, concurrent-ruby, allocation_stats, appraisal, benchmark-ips, better_html, bundler, capybara, cuprite, debug, erb_lint, haml, jbuilder, m, minitest, pry, puma, rake, rspec-rails, rubocop-md, selenium-webdriver, sprockets-rails, standard, simplecov, simplecov-console, slim, turbo-rails, warning, yard, yard-activesupport-concern, net-imap, net-pop, net-smtp, base64, bigdecimal, drb, mutex_m
bundle add view_component
Getting Started
Learn more about the View_component gem.
Test, play and inspect the gem for yourself