# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rack/proxy' # Public: Allows to relay asset requests to the Vite development server. class ViteRuby::DevServerProxy < Rack::Proxy HOST_WITH_PORT_REGEX = %r{^(.+?)(:\d+)/} VITE_DEPENDENCY_PREFIX = '/@' def initialize(app = nil, options = {}) @vite_ruby = options.delete(:vite_ruby) || ViteRuby.instance options[:streaming] = false if config.mode == 'test' && !options.key?(:streaming) super end # Rack: Intercept asset requests and send them to the Vite server. def perform_request(env) if vite_should_handle?(env) && dev_server_running? forward_to_vite_dev_server(env) super(env) else end end private extend Forwardable def_delegators :@vite_ruby, :config, :dev_server_running? def rewrite_uri_for_vite(env) uri = env.fetch('REQUEST_URI') { [env['PATH_INFO'], env['QUERY_STRING']].reject { |str| str.to_s.strip.empty? }.join('?') } env['PATH_INFO'], env['QUERY_STRING'] = (env['REQUEST_URI'] = normalize_uri(uri)).split('?') end def normalize_uri(uri) uri .sub(HOST_WITH_PORT_REGEX, '/') # Hanami adds the host and port. .sub('.ts.js', '.ts') # Hanami's javascript helper always adds the extension. .sub(/(\.(?!min|module)\w+)\.css$/, '\1') # Rails' stylesheet_link_tag always adds the extension. end def forward_to_vite_dev_server(env) rewrite_uri_for_vite(env) env['QUERY_STRING'] ||= '' env['HTTP_HOST'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] = config.host_with_port env['HTTP_PORT'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] = config.port.to_s env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME'] = config.protocol env['HTTPS'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] = 'off' unless config.https env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' end def vite_should_handle?(env) path = normalize_uri(env['PATH_INFO']) return true if path.start_with?(vite_url_prefix) # Vite asset return true if file_in_vite_root?(path) # Fallback if Vite can serve the file end # NOTE: When using an empty 'public_output_dir', we need to rely on a # filesystem check to check whether Vite should serve the request. def file_in_vite_root?(path) path.include?('.') && # Check for extension, avoid filesystem if possible. config.vite_root_dir.join(path.start_with?('/') ? path[1..-1] : path).file? end # NOTE: Vite is configured to use 'public_output_dir' as the base, which can # be customized by the user in development to not match any of the routes. # # If the path starts with that prefix, it will be redirected to Vite. def vite_url_prefix @vite_url_prefix ||= config.public_output_dir.empty? ? VITE_DEPENDENCY_PREFIX : "/#{ config.public_output_dir }/" end end