module ViteRuby::CompatibilityCheck
def compatible_plugin?(npm_req, ruby_req)
Internal: Returns true unless the check is performed and does not meet the
def compatible_plugin?(npm_req, ruby_req) npm_req, ruby_req = [npm_req, ruby_req] .map { |req|'^', '~>')) } current_version = npm_req.requirements.first.second ruby_req.satisfied_by?(current_version) rescue StandardError true end
def raise_unless_satisfied(npm_req, ruby_req)
def raise_unless_satisfied(npm_req, ruby_req) unless compatible_plugin?(npm_req, ruby_req) raise ArgumentError, <<~ERROR vite-plugin-ruby@#{ npm_req } might not be compatible with vite_ruby-#{ ViteRuby::VERSION } You may disable this check if needed: You may upgrade both by running: bundle exec vite upgrade ERROR end end
def verify_plugin_version(root)
def verify_plugin_version(root) package = JSON.parse(root.join('package.json').read) rescue {} requirement = package.dig('devDependencies', 'vite-plugin-ruby') || package.dig('dependencies', 'vite-plugin-ruby') raise_unless_satisfied(requirement, ViteRuby::DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION) end