class WcoEmail::Message
# 2023-12-28 vp Continue.
# When I receive one.
def self.strip_emoji(text)
def self.strip_emoji(text) text = '' if text.blank? text = text.force_encoding('utf-8').encode clean = "" # symbols & pics regex = /[\u{1f300}-\u{1f5ff}]/ clean = text.gsub regex, "" # enclosed chars regex = /[\u{2500}-\u{2BEF}]/ # I changed this to exclude chinese char clean = clean.gsub regex, "" # emoticons regex = /[\u{1f600}-\u{1f64f}]/ clean = clean.gsub regex, "" #dingbats regex = /[\u{2702}-\u{27b0}]/ clean = clean.gsub regex, "" end
def self.unread
def self.unread where( read_at: nil ) end
def all_ccs; (tos||[]) + (ccs||[]) + (froms||[]); end
def all_ccs; (tos||[]) + (ccs||[]) + (froms||[]); end
def apply_filter filter
def apply_filter filter puts! filter, 'WcoEmail::Message#apply_filter' if DEBUG conv.filter = filter case filter.kind when WcoEmail::EmailFilter::KIND_DESTROY_SCHS conv.tags.push Wco::Tag.trash conv.tags -= [ Wco::Tag.inbox ] lead.schs.each do |sch| sch.update_attributes!({ state: ::Sch::STATE_TRASH }) end when WcoEmail::EmailFilter::KIND_ADD_TAG conv.tags.push filter.tag if filter.tag == Wco::Tag.trash || filter.tag == Wco::Tag.spam conv.tags -= [ Wco::Tag.inbox ] end when WcoEmail::EmailFilter::KIND_REMOVE_TAG conv.tags -= [ filter.tag ] when WcoEmail::EmailFilter::KIND_AUTORESPOND_TMPL WcoEmail::Context.create!({ email_template: filter.email_template, lead_id:, send_at:, }) when WcoEmail::EmailFilter::KIND_AUTORESPOND_EACT ## ## This error is normal: ## Mongoid::Errors::Validations `Email action template is already taken` ## out = Sch.create({ email_action_template: filter.email_action_template, status: Sch::STATUS_ACTIVE, lead_id:, perform_at:, }) else raise "unknown filter kind: #{filter.kind}" end! end
def churn_subpart part
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"multipart/alternative; boundary=_000_BL0PR10MB2913C560ADE059F0AB3A6D11829A9BL0PR10MB2913namp_",
"image/png; name=image005.png"
"image/jpeg; name=TX_DL_2.jpg"
"application/pdf; name=\"Securities Forward Agreement -- HaulHub Inc -- Victor Pudeyev -- 2021-10-26.docx.pdf\""
# Content Types:
"inline; creation-date=\"Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:39:42 GMT\"; filename=image005.png; modification-date=\"Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:47:53 GMT\"; size=14916",
# Content dispositions:
# For recursive parts of type `related`.
def churn_subpart part if part.content_disposition&.include?('attachment') save_attachment( part, filename: "subpart-attachment" ) else if part.content_type.include?("multipart") do |subpart| churn_subpart( subpart ) end else if part.content_type.include?('text/html') self.part_html = strip_emoji( part.decoded ) elsif part.content_type.include?("text/plain") self.part_txt = part.decoded elsif part.content_type.include?("text/calendar") save_attachment( part, filename: 'subpart-calendar.ics' ) elsif part.content_type.include?("application/pdf") save_attachment( part, filename: 'subpart.pdf' ) elsif part.content_type.include?("image/jpeg") save_attachment( part, filename: 'subpart.jpg' ) elsif part.content_type.include?("image/png") save_attachment( part, filename: 'subpart.png' ) else save_attachment( part, filename: 'subpart-unspecified' ) self.logs.push "444 No action for a part with content_type #{part.content_type}" end end end end
def conv ; conversation ; end
def conv ; conversation ; end
def part_html_fully_sanitized
def part_html_fully_sanitized ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize( part_html||'' ).squish end
def part_html_sanitized
def part_html_sanitized doc = Nokogiri::HTML part_html images ='img') images.each do |img| img['src'] = 'missing' end'script').remove'meta').remove # doc.xpath('//@style').remove doc.to_s.gsub('http', '').gsub('href="s://', 'href="https://') end
def preview_str
def preview_str part_html_fully_sanitized[0..200] end
def received_at ; date ; end
def received_at ; date ; end
def save_attachment att, filename: "no-filename-specified"
def save_attachment att, filename: "no-filename-specified" config = JSON.parse(stub.config) if defined?( config['process_images'] ) && false == config['process_images'] return end content_type = att.content_type.split(';')[0] if content_type.include? 'image' photo ={ content_type: content_type, email_message_id:, image_data: att.body.encoded, original_filename: att.content_type_parameters[:name], }) photo.decode_base64_image else filename = CGI.escape( att.filename || filename ) sio = att.body.decoded"/tmp/#{filename}", 'w:UTF-8:ASCII-8BIT') do |f| f.puts( end asset ={ email_message: self, filename: filename, object:"/tmp/#{filename}"), }) if ! self.logs.push "Could not save a wco asset: #{asset.errors.full_messages.join(", ")}" end end end
def strip_emoji text
def strip_emoji text WcoEmail::Message.strip_emoji text end