class EventMachine::WebMockHttpClient
def build_request_signature
def build_request_signature headers, body = headers_and_body_processed_by_middleware method = @req.method uri = @req.uri.clone query = @req.query uri.query = encode_query(@req.uri, query).slice(/\?(.*)/, 1) body = form_encode_body(body) if body.is_a?(Hash) if headers['authorization'] && headers['authorization'].is_a?(Array) headers['Authorization'] = WebMock::Util::Headers.basic_auth_header(headers.delete('authorization')) end method.downcase.to_sym, uri.to_s, body: body || (@req.file &&, headers: headers ) end
def build_webmock_response
def build_webmock_response webmock_response = webmock_response.status = [response_header.status, response_header.http_reason] webmock_response.headers = response_header webmock_response.body = response webmock_response end
def connection_completed
def connection_completed @state = :response_header send_request(*headers_and_body_processed_by_middleware) end
def get_response_cookie(name)
def get_response_cookie(name) name = name.to_s raw_cookie = response_header.cookie raw_cookie = [raw_cookie] if raw_cookie.is_a? String cookie = raw_cookie.detect { |c| c.start_with? name } cookie and cookie.split('=', 2)[1] end
def headers_and_body_processed_by_middleware
def headers_and_body_processed_by_middleware @headers_and_body_processed_by_middleware ||= begin head, body = build_request, @req.body @conn.middleware.each do |m| head, body = m.request(self, head, body) if m.respond_to?(:request) end [head, body] end end
def make_raw_response(response)
def make_raw_response(response) response.raise_error_if_any status, headers, body = response.status, response.headers, response.body headers ||= {} response_string = [] response_string << "HTTP/1.1 #{status[0]} #{status[1]}" headers["Content-Length"] = body.bytesize unless headers["Content-Length"] headers.each do |header, value| if header =~ /set-cookie/i [value].flatten.each do |cookie| response_string << "#{header}: #{cookie}" end else value = value.join(", ") if value.is_a?(Array) # WebMock's internal processing will not handle the body # correctly if the header indicates that it is chunked, unless # we also create all the chunks. # It's far easier just to remove the header. next if header =~ /transfer-encoding/i && value =~/chunked/i response_string << "#{header}: #{value}" end end if headers response_string << "" << body response_string.join("\n") end
def request_signature
def request_signature @request_signature ||= build_request_signature end
def send_request(head, body)
def send_request(head, body) WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.put(request_signature) if stubbed_webmock_response WebMock::CallbackRegistry.invoke_callbacks({lib: :em_http_request}, request_signature, stubbed_webmock_response) @uri ||= nil EM.next_tick { setup(make_raw_response(stubbed_webmock_response), @uri, stubbed_webmock_response.should_timeout ? Errno::ETIMEDOUT : nil) } self elsif WebMock.net_connect_allowed?(request_signature.uri) super else raise end end
def setup(response, uri, error = nil)
def setup(response, uri, error = nil) @last_effective_url = @uri = uri if error on_error(error) @conn.drop_client fail(self) else @conn.receive_data(response) succeed(self) end end
def stubbed_webmock_response
def stubbed_webmock_response unless defined?(@stubbed_webmock_response) @stubbed_webmock_response = WebMock::StubRegistry.instance.response_for_request(request_signature) end @stubbed_webmock_response end
def unbind(reason = nil)
def unbind(reason = nil) if !stubbed_webmock_response && WebMock::CallbackRegistry.any_callbacks? webmock_response = build_webmock_response WebMock::CallbackRegistry.invoke_callbacks( {lib: :em_http_request, real_request: true}, request_signature, webmock_response) end @request_signature = nil remove_instance_variable(:@stubbed_webmock_response) super end
def uri
def uri @req.uri end