class YARP::ConstantPathNode

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/yarp/node.rbs

class YARP::ConstantPathNode < YARP::Node
  def accept: (Analyzer::Visitor visitor) -> untyped
  def child_nodes: () -> untyped
  def initialize: ((YARP::ConstantReadNode | YARP::ConstantPathNode | nil) parent, YARP::ConstantReadNode child, YARP::Location delimiter_loc, YARP::Location location) -> void

Represents accessing a constant through a path of ‘::` operators.

def accept(visitor)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def accept: (Analyzer::Visitor visitor) -> untyped

This signature was generated using 35 samples from 1 application.

def accept: (visitor: Visitor) -> void
def accept(visitor)

def child_nodes

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def child_nodes: () -> untyped

This signature was generated using 41 samples from 1 application.

def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
def child_nodes
  [parent, child]

def deconstruct_keys(keys)

def deconstruct_keys: (keys: Array[Symbol]) -> Hash[Symbol, nil | Node | Array[Node] | String | Token | Array[Token] | Location]
def deconstruct_keys(keys)
  { parent: parent, child: child, delimiter_loc: delimiter_loc, location: location }

def delimiter

def delimiter: () -> String
def delimiter

def initialize(parent, child, delimiter_loc, location)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize: ((YARP::ConstantReadNode | YARP::ConstantPathNode | nil) parent, YARP::ConstantReadNode child, YARP::Location delimiter_loc, YARP::Location location) -> void

This signature was generated using 32 samples from 1 application.

def initialize: (parent: Node?, child: Node, delimiter_loc: Location, location: Location) -> void
def initialize(parent, child, delimiter_loc, location)
  @parent = parent
  @child = child
  @delimiter_loc = delimiter_loc
  @location = location