module Zeitwerk::Loader::Helpers
def cdef?(parent, cname)
def cdef?(parent, cname) .const_defined?(cname, false)
def cget(parent, cname)
def cget(parent, cname) .const_get(cname, false)
def cname_for(basename, abspath)
def cname_for(basename, abspath) = inflector.camelize(basename, abspath) cname.is_a?(String) e TypeError, "#{inflector.class}#camelize must return a String, received #{cname.inspect}" me.include?("::") e<<~MESSAGE, cname) ong constant name #{cname} inferred by #{inflector.class} from #{abspath} inflector.class}#camelize should return a simple constant name without "::" AGE E_VALIDATOR.const_defined?(cname, false) ::NameError => error _type = ruby?(abspath) ? "file" : "directory" e<<~MESSAGE, error.message} inferred by #{inflector.class} from #{path_type} #{abspath} ssible ways to address this: * Tell Zeitwerk to ignore this particular #{path_type}. * Tell Zeitwerk to ignore one of its parent directories. * Rename the #{path_type} to comply with the naming conventions. * Modify the inflector to handle this case. AGE to_sym
def cpath(parent, cname)
Symbol#name was introduced in Ruby 3.0. It returns always the same
def cpath(parent, cname) == parent ? : "#{real_mod_name(parent)}::#{}"
def cpath(parent, cname)
def cpath(parent, cname) == parent ? cname.to_s : "#{real_mod_name(parent)}::#{cname}"
def crem(parent, cname)
def crem(parent, cname) .__send__(:remove_const, cname)
def dir?(path)
def dir?(path) irectory?(path)
def has_at_least_one_ruby_file?(dir)
def has_at_least_one_ruby_file?(dir) it = [dir] dir = to_visit.shift ir) do |_basename, abspath| dir?(abspath) to_visit << abspath se return true d
def hidden?(basename)
def hidden?(basename) me.start_with?(".")
def log(message)
def log(message) _name = logger.respond_to?(:debug) ? :debug : :call .send(method_name, "Zeitwerk@#{tag}: #{message}")
def ls(dir)
def ls(dir) en = Dir.children(dir) order in which a directory is listed depends on the file system. e client code may run in different platforms, it seems convenient to r directory entries. This provides consistent eager loading across forms, for example. en.sort! en.each do |basename| if hidden?(basename) ath = File.join(dir, basename) if ignored_path?(abspath) ir?(abspath) xt if roots.key?(abspath) xt if !has_at_least_one_ruby_file?(abspath) xt unless ruby?(abspath) freeze abspath because that saves allocations when passed later to le methods. See #125. d basename, abspath.freeze
def ruby?(path)
def ruby?(path) nd_with?(".rb")
def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname)
def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname) .autoload?(cname) if cdef?(parent, cname)
def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname)
def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname) .autoload?(cname, false)
def walk_up(abspath)
def walk_up(abspath) o d abspath ath, basename = File.split(abspath) k if basename == "/"