module ActionDispatch::Http::URL
def add_anchor(path, anchor)
def add_anchor(path, anchor) if anchor path << "##{Journey::Router::Utils.escape_fragment(anchor.to_param)}" end end
def add_params(path, params)
def add_params(path, params) params = { params: params } unless params.is_a?(Hash) params.reject! { |_, v| v.to_param.nil? } query = params.to_query path << "?#{query}" unless query.empty? end
def build_host_url(host, port, protocol, options, path)
def build_host_url(host, port, protocol, options, path) if match = host.match(HOST_REGEXP) protocol ||= match[1] unless protocol == false host = match[2] port = match[3] unless options.key? :port end protocol = normalize_protocol protocol host = normalize_host(host, options) result = protocol.dup if options[:user] && options[:password] result << "#{Rack::Utils.escape(options[:user])}:#{Rack::Utils.escape(options[:password])}@" end result << host normalize_port(port, protocol) { |normalized_port| result << ":#{normalized_port}" } result.concat path end
def domain(tld_length = @@tld_length)
Returns the \domain part of a \host, such as "" in "". You can specify
def domain(tld_length = @@tld_length) ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_domain(host, tld_length) end
def extract_domain(host, tld_length)
# Second-level domain example
extract_domain('', 1) # => ""
# Top-level domain example
Returns the domain part of a host given the domain level.
def extract_domain(host, tld_length) extract_domain_from(host, tld_length) if named_host?(host) end
def extract_domain_from(host, tld_length)
def extract_domain_from(host, tld_length) host.split(".").last(1 + tld_length).join(".") end
def extract_subdomain(host, tld_length)
# Second-level domain example
extract_subdomain('', 1) # => "www"
# Top-level domain example
Returns the subdomains of a host as a String given the domain level.
def extract_subdomain(host, tld_length) extract_subdomains(host, tld_length).join(".") end
def extract_subdomains(host, tld_length)
# Second-level domain example
extract_subdomains('', 1) # => ["www"]
# Top-level domain example
Returns the subdomains of a host as an Array given the domain level.
def extract_subdomains(host, tld_length) if named_host?(host) extract_subdomains_from(host, tld_length) else [] end end
def extract_subdomains_from(host, tld_length)
def extract_subdomains_from(host, tld_length) parts = host.split(".") parts[0..-(tld_length + 2)] end
def full_url_for(options)
def full_url_for(options) host = options[:host] protocol = options[:protocol] port = options[:port] unless host raise ArgumentError, "Missing host to link to! Please provide the :host parameter, set default_url_options[:host], or set :only_path to true" end build_host_url(host, port, protocol, options, path_for(options)) end
def host
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns the host for this request, such as "".
def host raw_host_with_port.sub(/:\d+$/, "") end
def host_with_port
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.host_with_port # => ""
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.host_with_port # => ""
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
(80 or 443)
"". Port is only included if it is not a default port
Returns a \host:\port string for this request, such as "" or
def host_with_port "#{host}#{port_string}" end
def initialize
def initialize super @protocol = nil @port = nil end
def named_host?(host)
def named_host?(host) !IP_HOST_REGEXP.match?(host) end
def normalize_host(_host, options)
def normalize_host(_host, options) return _host unless named_host?(_host) tld_length = options[:tld_length] || @@tld_length subdomain = options.fetch :subdomain, true domain = options[:domain] host = +"" if subdomain == true return _host if domain.nil? host << extract_subdomains_from(_host, tld_length).join(".") elsif subdomain host << subdomain.to_param end host << "." unless host.empty? host << (domain || extract_domain_from(_host, tld_length)) host end
def normalize_port(port, protocol)
def normalize_port(port, protocol) return unless port case protocol when "//" then yield port when "https://" yield port unless port.to_i == 443 else yield port unless port.to_i == 80 end end
def normalize_protocol(protocol)
def normalize_protocol(protocol) case protocol when nil secure_protocol ? "https://" : "http://" when false, "//" "//" when PROTOCOL_REGEXP "#{$1}://" else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid :protocol option: #{protocol.inspect}" end end
def optional_port
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.optional_port # => nil
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
is not the default HTTP \port 80 or HTTPS \port 443.
Returns a number \port suffix like 8080 if the \port number of this request
def optional_port standard_port? ? nil : port end
def path_for(options)
def path_for(options) path = options[:script_name].to_s.chomp("/") path << options[:path] if options.key?(:path) path = "/" if options[:trailing_slash] && path.blank? add_params(path, options[:params]) if options.key?(:params) add_anchor(path, options[:anchor]) if options.key?(:anchor) path end
def port
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.port # => 80
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns the port number of this request as an integer.
def port @port ||= if raw_host_with_port =~ /:(\d+)$/ $1.to_i else standard_port end end
def port_string
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.port_string # => ""
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
number of this request is not the default HTTP \port 80 or HTTPS \port 443.
Returns a string \port suffix, including colon, like ":8080" if the \port
def port_string standard_port? ? "" : ":#{port}" end
def protocol
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTPS' => 'on'
req.protocol # => "http://"
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns 'https://' if this is an SSL request and 'http://' otherwise.
def protocol @protocol ||= ssl? ? "https://" : "http://" end
def raw_host_with_port
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.raw_host_with_port # => ""
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.raw_host_with_port # => ""
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns the \host and port for this request, such as "".
def raw_host_with_port if forwarded = x_forwarded_host.presence forwarded.split(/,\s?/).last else get_header("HTTP_HOST") || "#{server_name}:#{get_header('SERVER_PORT')}" end end
def server_port
req = 'SERVER_PORT' => '8080'
req.server_port # => 80
req = 'SERVER_PORT' => '80'
Returns the requested port, such as 8080, based on SERVER_PORT
def server_port get_header("SERVER_PORT").to_i end
def standard_port
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns the standard \port number for this request's protocol.
def standard_port if "https://" == protocol 443 else 80 end end
def standard_port?
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
req.standard_port? # => true
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns whether this request is using the standard port
def standard_port? port == standard_port end
def subdomain(tld_length = @@tld_length)
such as 2 to catch "www" instead of "www.rubyonrails"
returned for "". You can specify a different tld_length,
Returns all the \subdomains as a string, so "dev.www" would be
def subdomain(tld_length = @@tld_length) ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_subdomain(host, tld_length) end
def subdomains(tld_length = @@tld_length)
such as 2 to catch ["www"] instead of ["www", "rubyonrails"]
returned for "". You can specify a different tld_length,
Returns all the \subdomains as an array, so ["dev", "www"] would be
def subdomains(tld_length = @@tld_length) ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_subdomains(host, tld_length) end
def url
req = 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
Returns the complete URL used for this request.
def url protocol + host_with_port + fullpath end
def url_for(options)
def url_for(options) if options[:only_path] path_for options else full_url_for options end end