class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder
def initialize(xml)
def initialize(xml) @xml = xml end
def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block)
namespaced div element if the method and arguments indicate
Delegate to xml builder, first wrapping the element in a xhtml
def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block) if xhtml_block?(method, arguments) @xml.__send__(method, *arguments) do @xml.div(:xmlns => '') do |xhtml| end end else @xml.__send__(method, *arguments, &block) end end
def xhtml_block?(method, arguments)
in the Atom spec as potentially containing XHTML content and
True if the method name matches one of the five elements defined
def xhtml_block?(method, arguments) if XHTML_TAG_NAMES.include?(method.to_s) last = arguments.last last.is_a?(Hash) && last[:type].to_s == 'xhtml' end end