class ActionView::StreamingFlow
def append!(key, value)
by provides and resumes back to the fiber if it is
Appends the contents for the given key. This is called
def append!(key, value) super @fiber.resume if @waiting_for == key end
def get(key)
fiber, we set that we are waiting for the given
is not available and we are inside the layout
Try to get stored content. If the content
def get(key) return super if @content.key?(key) if inside_fiber? view = @view begin @waiting_for = key view.output_buffer, @parent = @child, view.output_buffer Fiber.yield ensure @waiting_for = nil view.output_buffer, @child = @parent, view.output_buffer end end super end
def initialize(view, fiber)
def initialize(view, fiber) @view = view @parent = nil @child = view.output_buffer @content = view.view_flow.content @fiber = fiber @root = Fiber.current.object_id end
def inside_fiber?
def inside_fiber? Fiber.current.object_id != @root end