class ActionView::LookupContext

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/action_view/lookup_context.rbs

class ActionView::LookupContext
  def self.register_detail: (Symbol name, ) -> Symbol
  def formats=: (Array[Symbol] value, Array[Symbol] values) -> Array[Symbol]
  def initialize: (ActionView::PathSet view_paths, ?Hash details, ?Array[String] prefixes) -> void
  def initialize_details: (Hash target, Hash details) -> Hash

only once during the request, it speeds up all cache accesses.
view paths, used in the resolver cache lookup. Since this key is generated
LookupContext is also responsible for generating a key, given to
required for looking up templates, i.e. view paths and details.
LookupContext is the object responsible for holding all information
= Action View Lookup Context

def self.register_detail(name, &block)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def self.register_detail: (Symbol name, ) -> Symbol

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

def self.register_detail(name, &block)
  registered_details << name
  Accessors::DEFAULT_PROCS[name] = block
  Accessors.define_method(:"default_#{name}", &block)
  Accessors.module_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
    def #{name}
      @details[:#{name}] || []
    def #{name}=(value)
      value = value.present? ? Array(value) : default_#{name}
      _set_detail(:#{name}, value) if value != @details[:#{name}]

def digest_cache

def digest_cache
  @digest_cache ||= DetailsKey.digest_cache(@details)

def formats=(values)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def formats=: (Symbol value,  values) -> Symbol

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

add :html as fallback to :js.
Override formats= to expand ["*/*"] values and automatically
def formats=(values)
  if values
    values = values.dup
    values.concat(default_formats) if values.delete "*/*"
    invalid_values = (values - Template::Types.symbols)
    unless invalid_values.empty?
      raise ArgumentError, "Invalid formats: #{", ")}"
    if values == [:js]
      values << :html
      @html_fallback_for_js = true

def initialize(view_paths, details = {}, prefixes = [])

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize: (ActionView::PathSet view_paths, ? details, ? prefixes) -> void

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

def initialize(view_paths, details = {}, prefixes = [])
  @details_key = nil
  @digest_cache = nil
  @cache = true
  @prefixes = prefixes
  @details = initialize_details({}, details)
  @view_paths = build_view_paths(view_paths)

def initialize_details(target, details)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize_details: (locale |  | formats | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol target,  details) -> locale |  | formats | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

def initialize_details(target, details)
  LookupContext.registered_details.each do |k|
    target[k] = details[k] || Accessors::DEFAULT_PROCS[k].call

def locale

Override locale to return a symbol instead of array.
def locale

def locale=(value)

acting as proxy, which we need to skip.
to original_config, it means that it has a copy of the original I18n configuration and it's
Overload locale= to also set the I18n.locale. If the current I18n.config object responds
def locale=(value)
  if value
    config = I18n.config.respond_to?(:original_config) ? I18n.config.original_config : I18n.config
    config.locale = value

def with_prepended_formats(formats)

def with_prepended_formats(formats)
  details = @details.dup
  details[:formats] = formats, details, @prefixes)