class ActionView::PathSet

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/action_view/path_set.rbs

class ActionView::PathSet
  def exists?: (String path, Array[String] prefixes, false partial, Hash details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key, Array[] locals) -> true
  def find: (String path, Array[String] prefixes, bool partial, Hash details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key, Array[] locals) -> ActionView::Template
  def find_all: (String path, Array[String] prefixes, bool partial, Hash details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key, Array[] locals) -> (Array[] | Array[ActionView::Template])
  def initialize: (?Array[ActionView::FileSystemResolver] paths) -> void
  def search_combinations: (Array[String] prefixes) -> nil
  def to_ary: () -> Array[ActionView::FileSystemResolver]
  def typecast: (Array[ActionView::FileSystemResolver] paths) -> Array[ActionView::FileSystemResolver]

A LookupContext will use a PathSet to store the paths in its context.
set and also perform operations on other PathSet objects.
operations are defined so that you can search among the paths in this
This class is used to store and access paths in Action View. A number of
= Action View PathSet

def +(array)

def +(array) + array)

def compact

def compact paths.compact

def exists?(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def exists?: (String path, String prefixes, false partial, (locale |  | formats |  | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | locale |  | formats | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol) details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key,  locals) -> true

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

def exists?(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals).any?

def find(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def find: (String path, ( | String) prefixes, bool partial, locale |  | formats |  | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key,  locals) -> ActionView::Template

This signature was generated using 8 samples from 1 application.

def find(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals).first ||
    raise(, path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals))

def find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def find_all: (String path, ( | String) prefixes, bool partial, (locale |  | formats |  | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | locale |  | formats | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | variants |  | handlers | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol) details, ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested details_key,  locals) ->

This signature was generated using 11 samples from 2 applications.

def find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  search_combinations(prefixes) do |resolver, prefix|
    templates = resolver.find_all(path, prefix, partial, details, details_key, locals)
    return templates unless templates.empty?

def initialize(paths = [])

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize: (?ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver paths) -> void

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

def initialize(paths = [])
  @paths = typecast paths

def initialize_copy(other)

def initialize_copy(other)
  @paths = other.paths.dup

def search_combinations(prefixes)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def search_combinations: ((String | ) prefixes) -> nil

This signature was generated using 9 samples from 1 application.

def search_combinations(prefixes)
  prefixes = Array(prefixes)
  prefixes.each do |prefix|
    paths.each do |resolver|
      yield resolver, prefix

def to_ary

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def to_ary: () -> ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

def to_ary

def typecast(paths)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def typecast: ((ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver) paths) -> (ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver | ActionView::FileSystemResolver)

This signature was generated using 3 samples from 1 application.

def typecast(paths) do |path|
    case path
    when Pathname, String path.to_s