module ActiveJob::Core::ClassMethods
def deserialize(job_data)
def deserialize(job_data) job = job_data["job_class"] job.deserialize(job_data) job end
def set(options = {})
VideoJob.set(queue: :some_queue, wait_until:
VideoJob.set(queue: :some_queue, wait: 5.minutes).perform_later(Video.last)
VideoJob.set(wait: 5.minutes).perform_later(Video.last)
VideoJob.set(queue: :some_queue).perform_later(Video.last)
==== Examples
* :priority - Enqueues the job with the specified priority
* :queue - Enqueues the job on the specified queue
* :wait_until - Enqueues the job at the time specified
* :wait - Enqueues the job with the specified delay
==== Options
preconfigured options
perform_later with the job arguments to enqueue the job with the
Creates a job preconfigured with the given options. You can call
def set(options = {}), options) end