module ActiveJob::Exceptions
def determine_delay(seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm:, executions:)
def determine_delay(seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm:, executions:) case seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm when :exponentially_longer (executions**4) + 2 when ActiveSupport::Duration duration = seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm duration.to_i when Integer seconds = seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm seconds when Proc algorithm = seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm else raise "Couldn't determine a delay based on #{seconds_or_duration_or_algorithm.inspect}" end end
def executions_for(exceptions)
def executions_for(exceptions) if exception_executions exception_executions[exceptions.to_s] = (exception_executions[exceptions.to_s] || 0) + 1 else # Guard against jobs that were persisted before we started having individual executions counters per retry_on executions end end
def instrument(name, error: nil, wait: nil, &block)
def instrument(name, error: nil, wait: nil, &block) payload = { job: self, adapter: self.class.queue_adapter, error: error, wait: wait } ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{name}.active_job", payload, &block) end
def retry_job(options = {})
# raise ErrorLoadingSite if cannot scrape
def perform(*args)
retry_job queue: :low_priority
rescue_from(ErrorLoadingSite) do
class SiteScraperJob < ActiveJob::Base
==== Examples
* :priority - Enqueues the job with the specified priority
* :queue - Enqueues the job on the specified queue
* :wait_until - Enqueues the job at the time specified
* :wait - Enqueues the job with the specified delay in seconds
==== Options
you can ask Active Job to retry performing your job.
with the +rescue_from+ option. When you rescue an exception from your job
Reschedules the job to be re-executed. This is useful in combination
def retry_job(options = {}) instrument :enqueue_retry, options.slice(:error, :wait) do enqueue options end end