module ActiveLdap::Operations::Find
def all(*args)
all the same arguments to this method as you can
This is an alias for find(:all). You can pass in
def all(*args) find(:all, *args) end
def ensure_dn(target)
def ensure_dn(target) attr, value, prefix = split_search_value(target) "#{attr || dn_attribute}=#{value},#{prefix || base}" end
def find(*args)
usage: Subclass.find(:all, :attribute => "cn", :value => "some*val")
|field|, or the wildcard match. This is only useful for derived classes.
Finds the first match for value where |value| is the value of some
def find(*args) options = extract_options_from_args!(args) args = [:first] if args.empty? and !options.empty? case args.first when :first options[:value] ||= args[1] find_initial(options) when :last options[:value] ||= args[1] find_last(options) when :all options[:value] ||= args[1] find_every(options) else find_from_dns(args, options) end end
def find_every(options)
def find_every(options) options = options.dup sort_by = options.delete(:sort_by) || self.sort_by order = options.delete(:order) || self.order limit = options.delete(:limit) if sort_by or order offset = options.delete(:offset) || offset options[:attributes] = options.delete(:attributes) || ['*'] options[:attributes] |= ['objectClass'] if options.delete(:include_operational_attributes) options[:attributes] |= ["+"] end results = search(options).collect do |dn, attrs| instantiate([dn, attrs, {:connection => options[:connection]}]) end return results if sort_by.nil? and order.nil? sort_by ||= "dn" if sort_by.downcase == "dn" results = results.sort_by {|result| DN.parse(result.dn)} else results = results.sort_by {|result| result.send(sort_by)} end results.reverse! if normalize_sort_order(order || "ascend") == :descend results = results[offset, results.size] if offset results = results[0, limit] if limit results end
def find_from_dns(dns, options)
def find_from_dns(dns, options) expects_array = dns.first.is_a?(Array) return [] if expects_array and dns.first.empty? dns = dns.flatten.compact.uniq case dns.size when 0 raise EntryNotFound, _("Couldn't find %s without a DN") % name when 1 result = find_one(dns.first, options) expects_array ? [result] : result else find_some(dns, options) end end
def find_initial(options)
def find_initial(options) find_every(options.merge(:limit => 1)).first end
def find_last(options)
def find_last(options) order = options[:order] || self.order || 'ascend' order = normalize_sort_order(order) == :ascend ? :descend : :ascend find_initial(options.merge(:order => order)) end
def find_one(dn, options)
def find_one(dn, options) attr, value, prefix = split_search_value(dn) filter = [attr || ensure_search_attribute, Escape.ldap_filter_escape(value)] filter = [:and, filter, options[:filter]] if options[:filter] options = {:prefix => prefix}.merge(options.merge(:filter => filter)) result = find_initial(options) if result result else args = [self.is_a?(Class) ? name :, dn] if options[:filter] format = _("Couldn't find %s: DN: %s: filter: %s") args << options[:filter].inspect else format = _("Couldn't find %s: DN: %s") end raise EntryNotFound, format % args end end
def find_some(dns, options)
def find_some(dns, options) dn_filters = dns.collect do |dn| attr, value, prefix = split_search_value(dn) attr ||= ensure_search_attribute filter = [attr, value] if prefix filter = [:and, filter, [dn, "*,#{Escape.ldap_filter_escape(prefix)},#{base}"]] end filter end filter = [:or, *dn_filters] filter = [:and, filter, options[:filter]] if options[:filter] result = find_every(options.merge(:filter => filter)) if result.size == dns.size result else args = [self.is_a?(Class) ? name :, dns.join(", ")] if options[:filter] format = _("Couldn't find all %s: DNs (%s): filter: %s") args << options[:filter].inspect else format = _("Couldn't find all %s: DNs (%s)") end raise EntryNotFound, format % args end end
def first(*args)
*args). You can pass in all the same arguments
A convenience wrapper for find(:first,
def first(*args) find(:first, *args) end
def last(*args)
*args). You can pass in all the same arguments
A convenience wrapper for find(:last,
def last(*args) find(:last, *args) end
def normalize_sort_order(value)
def normalize_sort_order(value) case value.to_s when /\Aasc(?:end)?\z/i :ascend when /\Adesc(?:end)?\z/i :descend else raise ArgumentError, _("Invalid order: %s") % value.inspect end end