This document describes how to run benchmarks under
benchmark/ directory.
Configure your LDAP server
You need a LDAP server to run benchmarks. This is dependes
on your environment.
In this document, we assume that you configure your LDAP
server by the following configuration:
- host:
- base DN: dc=bench,dc=local
- encryption: startTLS
- bind DN: cn=admin,dc=local
- password: secret
Configure ActiveLdap to connect to your LDAP server
You need an ActiveLdap configuration in
benchmark/config.yaml to connect to your LDAP server. There
is a sample configuration in
benchmark/config.yaml.sample. It’s good to start from it.
% cp benchmark/config.yaml.sample benchmark/config.yaml
% editor benchmark/config.yaml
The configuration uses the same format of ldap.yaml.
Run benchmarks
You just run a bencmark script. It loads
benchmark/config.yaml and populate benchmark data automatically.
% ruby benchmark/bench-backend.rb
Rehearsal —————————————————————
1x: AL(LDAP) 0.220000 0.000000 0.220000 ( 0.234775)
1x: AL(Net::LDAP) 0.280000 0.000000 0.280000 ( 0.273048)
1x: AL(LDAP: No Obj) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.009217)
1x: AL(Net::LDAP: No Obj) 0.060000 0.000000 0.060000 ( 0.056727)
1x: LDAP 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.003261)
1x: Net::LDAP 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.029862)
—————————————————— total: 0.600000sec
user system total real
1x: AL(LDAP) 0.200000 0.000000 0.200000 ( 0.195660)
1x: AL(Net::LDAP) 0.220000 0.000000 0.220000 ( 0.213444)
1x: AL(LDAP: No Obj) 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.009000)
1x: AL(Net::LDAP: No Obj) 0.030000 0.000000 0.030000 ( 0.026847)
1x: LDAP 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.003377)
1x: Net::LDAP 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.022662)
Entries processed by Ruby/ActiveLdap + LDAP: 100
Entries processed by Ruby/ActiveLdap + Net::LDAP: 100
Entries processed by Ruby/ActiveLdap + LDAP: (without object creation): 100
Entries processed by Ruby/ActiveLdap + Net::LDAP: (without object creation): 100
Entries processed by Ruby/LDAP: 100
Entries processed by Net::LDAP: 100