module ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
def define_attribute_methods(*attr_names)
send("#{attr}=", nil)
def clear_attribute(attr)
define_attribute_methods :name, :age, :address
# attribute_method_affix declarations.
# attribute_method_prefix, attribute_method_suffix or
# Call to define_attribute_methods must appear after the
attribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
attr_accessor :name, :age, :address
include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
class Person
methods, or they will not hook in.
+define_attribute_methods+ after you define any prefix, suffix, or affix
To use, pass attribute names (as strings or symbols). Be sure to declare
Declares the attributes that should be prefixed and suffixed by
def define_attribute_methods(*attr_names) ActiveSupport::CodeGenerator.batch(generated_attribute_methods, __FILE__, __LINE__) do |owner| attr_names.flatten.each { |attr_name| define_attribute_method(attr_name, _owner: owner) } end end