class ActiveRecord::Scoping::ScopeRegistry

def value_for(scope_type, model, skip_inherited_scope = false)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def value_for: (Hash scope_type, Class model, ?bool skip_inherited_scope) -> Notification::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation?

This signature was generated using 9 samples from 1 application.

Obtains the value for a given +scope_type+ and +model+.
def value_for(scope_type, model, skip_inherited_scope = false)
  return scope_type[] if skip_inherited_scope
  klass = model
  base = model.base_class
  while klass <= base
    value = scope_type[]
    return value if value
    klass = klass.superclass