module ActiveRecord::QueryLogs
def call(sql) # :nodoc:
def call(sql) # :nodoc: if prepend_comment "#{self.comment} #{sql}" else "#{sql} #{self.comment}" end.strip end
def clear_cache # :nodoc:
def clear_cache # :nodoc: self.cached_comment = nil end
def comment
Returns an SQL comment +String+ containing the query log tags.
def comment if cache_query_log_tags self.cached_comment ||= uncached_comment else uncached_comment end end
def escape_sql_comment(content)
def escape_sql_comment(content) # Sanitize a string to appear within a SQL comment # For compatibility, this also surrounding "/*+", "/*", and "*/" # charcacters, possibly with single surrounding space. # Then follows that by replacing any internal "*/" or "/ *" with # "* /" or "/ *" comment = content.to_s.dup comment.gsub!(%r{\A\s*/\*\+?\s?|\s?\*/\s*\Z}, "") comment.gsub!("*/", "* /") comment.gsub!("/*", "/ *") comment end
def tag_content
def tag_content context = ActiveSupport::ExecutionContext.to_h tags.flat_map { |i| [*i] }.filter_map do |tag| key, handler = tag handler ||= taggings[key] val = if handler.nil? context[key] elsif handler.respond_to?(:call) if handler.arity == 0 else end else handler end "#{key}:#{val}" unless val.nil? end.join(",") end
def uncached_comment
def uncached_comment content = tag_content if content.present? "/*#{escape_sql_comment(content)}*/" end end