class ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/active_record/associations/join_dependency.rbs class ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency def self.make_tree: (Array[Hash, user_home_location, Symbol] associations) -> untyped def make_constraints: (ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinBase parent, ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinAssociation child, Class join_type) -> untyped def make_join_constraints: (ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinBase join_root, Class join_type) -> untyped end
def self.make_tree(associations)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def self.make_tree: ( associations) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def self.make_tree(associations) hash = {} walk_tree associations, hash hash end
def self.walk_tree(associations, hash)
def self.walk_tree(associations, hash) case associations when Symbol, String hash[associations.to_sym] ||= {} when Array associations.each do |assoc| walk_tree assoc, hash end when Hash associations.each do |k, v| cache = hash[k] ||= {} walk_tree v, cache end else raise ConfigurationError, associations.inspect end end
def aliases
def aliases @aliases ||= { |join_part, i| column_names = if join_part == join_root && !join_root_alias primary_key = join_root.primary_key primary_key ? [primary_key] : [] else join_part.column_names end columns = { |column_name, j| column_name, "t#{i}_r#{j}" }, columns) } end
def apply_column_aliases(relation)
def apply_column_aliases(relation) @join_root_alias = relation.select_values.empty? relation._select!(-> { aliases.columns }) end
def base_klass
def base_klass join_root.base_klass end
def build(associations, base_klass)
def build(associations, base_klass) do |name, right| reflection = find_reflection base_klass, name reflection.check_validity! reflection.check_eager_loadable! if reflection.polymorphic? raise end, build(right, reflection.klass)) end end
def construct(ar_parent, parent, row, seen, model_cache, strict_loading_value)
def construct(ar_parent, parent, row, seen, model_cache, strict_loading_value) return if ar_parent.nil? parent.children.each do |node| if node.reflection.collection? other = ar_parent.association( other.loaded! elsif ar_parent.association_cached?( model = ar_parent.association( construct(model, node, row, seen, model_cache, strict_loading_value) next end if node.primary_key key = aliases.column_alias(node, node.primary_key) id = row[key] else key = aliases.column_alias(node, node.reflection.join_primary_key.to_s) id = nil # Avoid id-based model caching. end if row[key].nil? nil_association = ar_parent.association( nil_association.loaded! next end unless model = seen[ar_parent][node][id] model = construct_model(ar_parent, node, row, model_cache, id, strict_loading_value) seen[ar_parent][node][id] = model if id end construct(model, node, row, seen, model_cache, strict_loading_value) end end
def construct_model(record, node, row, model_cache, id, strict_loading_value)
def construct_model(record, node, row, model_cache, id, strict_loading_value) other = record.association( unless model = model_cache[node][id] model = node.instantiate(row, aliases.column_aliases(node)) do |m| m.strict_loading! if strict_loading_value other.set_inverse_instance(m) end model_cache[node][id] = model if id end if node.reflection.collection? else = model end model.readonly! if node.readonly? model.strict_loading! if node.strict_loading? model end
def each(&block)
def each(&block) join_root.each(&block) end
def find_reflection(klass, name)
def find_reflection(klass, name) klass._reflect_on_association(name) || raise(ConfigurationError, "Can't join '#{}' to association named '#{name}'; perhaps you misspelled it?") end
def initialize(base, table, associations, join_type)
def initialize(base, table, associations, join_type) tree = self.class.make_tree associations @join_root =, table, build(tree, base)) @join_type = join_type end
def instantiate(result_set, strict_loading_value, &block)
def instantiate(result_set, strict_loading_value, &block) primary_key = aliases.column_alias(join_root, join_root.primary_key) seen = { |i, parent| i[parent] = { |j, child_class| j[child_class] = {} } }.compare_by_identity model_cache = { |h, klass| h[klass] = {} } parents = model_cache[join_root] column_aliases = aliases.column_aliases(join_root) column_names = [] result_set.columns.each do |name| column_names << name unless /\At\d+_r\d+\z/.match?(name) end if column_names.empty? column_types = {} else column_types = result_set.column_types unless column_types.empty? attribute_types = join_root.attribute_types column_types = column_types.slice(*column_names).delete_if { |k, _| attribute_types.key?(k) } end column_aliases +=! { |name|, name) } end message_bus = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrumenter payload = { record_count: result_set.length, class_name: } message_bus.instrument("instantiation.active_record", payload) do result_set.each { |row_hash| parent_key = primary_key ? row_hash[primary_key] : row_hash parent = parents[parent_key] ||= join_root.instantiate(row_hash, column_aliases, column_types, &block) construct(parent, join_root, row_hash, seen, model_cache, strict_loading_value) } end parents.values end
def join_constraints(joins_to_add, alias_tracker, references)
def join_constraints(joins_to_add, alias_tracker, references) @alias_tracker = alias_tracker @joined_tables = {} @references = {} references.each do |table_name| @references[table_name.to_sym] = table_name if table_name.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral) end unless references.empty? joins = make_join_constraints(join_root, join_type) joins.concat joins_to_add.flat_map { |oj| if join_root.match? oj.join_root walk(join_root, oj.join_root, oj.join_type) else make_join_constraints(oj.join_root, oj.join_type) end } end
def make_constraints(parent, child, join_type)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def make_constraints: (ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinBase parent, ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinAssociation child, Class join_type) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def make_constraints(parent, child, join_type) foreign_table = parent.table foreign_klass = parent.base_klass child.join_constraints(foreign_table, foreign_klass, join_type, alias_tracker) do |reflection| table, terminated = @joined_tables[reflection] root = reflection == child.reflection if table && (!root || !terminated) @joined_tables[reflection] = [table, root] if root next table, true end table_name = @references[]&.to_s table = alias_tracker.aliased_table_for(reflection.klass.arel_table, table_name) do name = reflection.alias_candidate(parent.table_name) root ? name : "#{name}_join" end @joined_tables[reflection] ||= [table, root] if join_type == Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin table end.concat child.children.flat_map { |c| make_constraints(child, c, join_type) } end
def make_join_constraints(join_root, join_type)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def make_join_constraints: (ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinBase join_root, Class join_type) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def make_join_constraints(join_root, join_type) join_root.children.flat_map do |child| make_constraints(join_root, child, join_type) end end
def reflections
def reflections join_root.drop(1).map!(&:reflection) end
def walk(left, right, join_type)
def walk(left, right, join_type) intersection, missing = { |node1| [left.children.find { |node2| node1.match? node2 }, node1] }.partition(&:first) joins = intersection.flat_map { |l, r| r.table = l.table; walk(l, r, join_type) } joins.concat missing.flat_map { |_, n| make_constraints(left, n, join_type) } end