module ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/active_record/runtime_registry.rbs

module ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry
  def sql_runtime: () -> (Integer | Float)
  def sql_runtime=: ((Integer | Float) runtime) -> (Float | Integer)

def sql_runtime

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def sql_runtime: () -> (Integer | Float)

This signature was generated using 71 samples from 2 applications.

def sql_runtime

def sql_runtime=(runtime)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def sql_runtime=: ((Integer | Float) runtime) -> (Float | Integer)

This signature was generated using 55 samples from 2 applications.

def sql_runtime=(runtime)
  ActiveSupport::IsolatedExecutionState[:active_record_sql_runtime] = runtime