class Async::HTTP::Protocol::HTTP10
Implements basic HTTP/1.1 request/response.
def keep_alive?(headers)
def keep_alive?(headers) headers['connection'] == KEEP_ALIVE end
def read_body(headers)
def read_body(headers) if body = super return body end # Technically, with HTTP/1.0, if no content-length is specified, we just need to read everything until the connection is closed. if !keep_alive?(headers) return end end
def receive_requests
def receive_requests while request =*self.read_request) response = yield request response.version ||= request.version write_response(response.version, response.status, response.headers, response.body) unless keep_alive?(request.headers) && keep_alive?(headers) @keep_alive = false break end end return false end
def version
def version VERSION end
def write_body(body, chunked = true)
def write_body(body, chunked = true) # We don't support chunked encoding. super(body, false) end