class Async::HTTP::Server
def accept(peer, address, task: Task.current)
def accept(peer, address, task: Task.current) peer.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) stream = protocol = @protocol_class.server(stream) # Async.logger.debug(self) {"Incoming connnection from #{address.inspect}"} hijack = catch(:hijack) do protocol.receive_requests do |request| # Async.logger.debug(self) {"Incoming request from #{address.inspect}: #{request.method} #{request.path}"} handle_request(request, peer, address) end # hijack should be false by default. false end if hijack end rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE # Sometimes client will disconnect without completing a result or reading the entire buffer. ensure peer.close end
def handle_request(request, peer, address)
def handle_request(request, peer, address) Response[200, {}, []] end
def initialize(endpoint, protocol_class = Protocol::HTTP1, &block)
def initialize(endpoint, protocol_class = Protocol::HTTP1, &block) @endpoint = endpoint @protocol_class = protocol_class || endpoint.protocol if block_given? define_singleton_method(:handle_request, block) end end
def run
def run @endpoint.accept(&self.method(:accept)) end