class Aws::SSOOIDC::Types::CreateTokenWithIAMResponse

@see AWS API Documentation
@return [Array<String>]
token that is issued is limited to the scopes that are granted.
The list of scopes for which authorization is granted. The access
@!attribute [rw] scope
@return [String]
* Refresh Token - ‘urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token`
* Access Token - `urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token`
The following values are supported:
Indicates the type of tokens that are issued by IAM Identity Center.
@!attribute [rw] issued_token_type
@return [String]
issued access token.
A JSON Web Token (JWT) that identifies the user associated with the
@!attribute [rw] id_token
@return [String]<br>:<br><br><br><br>Reference][1].
for Using this Guide* in the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API
current IAM Identity Center OIDC implementation, see *Considerations
For more information about the features and limitations of the
access token that might have expired.
A token that, if present, can be used to refresh a previously issued
@!attribute [rw] refresh_token
@return [Integer]
Indicates the time in seconds when an access token will expire.
@!attribute [rw] expires_in
@return [String]
token. The supported token type is `Bearer`.
Used to notify the requester that the returned token is an access
@!attribute [rw] token_type
@return [String]
A bearer token to access AWS accounts and applications assigned to a
@!attribute [rw] access_token