class Aws::ElasticsearchService::Types::CreateElasticsearchDomainRequest
@return [Array<Types::Tag>]
A list of ‘Tag` added during domain creation.
@!attribute [rw] tag_list
@return [Types::AutoTuneOptionsInput]
Specifies Auto-Tune options.
@!attribute [rw] auto_tune_options
@return [Types::AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput]
Specifies advanced security options.
@!attribute [rw] advanced_security_options
@return [Types::DomainEndpointOptions]
Options to specify configuration that will be applied to the domain
@!attribute [rw] domain_endpoint_options
@return [Hash<String,Types::LogPublishingOption>]
to publish a given type of Elasticsearch log.
Map of `LogType` and `LogPublishingOption`, each containing options
@!attribute [rw] log_publishing_options
@return [Hash<String,String>]<br>:<br><br><br><br>Options][1] for more information.
default, the value is `true`. See [Configuration Advanced
be `false` when configuring access to individual sub-resources. By
Option to allow references to indices in an HTTP request body. Must
@!attribute [rw] advanced_options
@return [Types::NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions]
Specifies the NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions.
@!attribute [rw] node_to_node_encryption_options
@return [Types::EncryptionAtRestOptions]
Specifies the Encryption At Rest Options.
@!attribute [rw] encryption_at_rest_options
@return [Types::CognitoOptions]<br>:<br><br><br><br>Authentication for Kibana].
authentication. For more information, see [Amazon Cognito
Options to specify the Cognito user and identity pools for Kibana
@!attribute [rw] cognito_options
@return [Types::VPCOptions]<br>:<br><br><br><br>Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains*
For more information, see [Creating a VPC] in *VPC Endpoints for
Options to specify the subnets and security groups for VPC endpoint.
@!attribute [rw] vpc_options
@return [Types::SnapshotOptions]
Default value is 0 hours.
Option to set time, in UTC format, of the daily automated snapshot.
@!attribute [rw] snapshot_options
@return [String]
IAM access policy as a JSON-formatted string.
@!attribute [rw] access_policies
@return [Types::EBSOptions]
storage volumes.
Options to enable, disable and specify the type and size of EBS
@!attribute [rw] ebs_options
@return [Types::ElasticsearchClusterConfig]
instance type and number of instances in the domain cluster.
Configuration options for an Elasticsearch domain. Specifies the
@!attribute [rw] elasticsearch_cluster_config
@return [String]<br>:<br><br><br><br>Developer Guide*.
Elasticsearch Domains] in the *Amazon Elasticsearch Service
eg. “1.5” or “2.3”. For more information, see [Creating
String of format X.Y to specify version for the Elasticsearch domain
@!attribute [rw] elasticsearch_version
@return [String]
contain the following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
AWS region. Domain names must start with a lowercase letter and can
names are unique across the domains owned by an account within an
The name of the Elasticsearch domain that you are creating. Domain
@!attribute [rw] domain_name