class Aws::ElasticsearchService::Types::UpgradeHistory

@return [Array<Types::UpgradeStepItem>]
step performed as pard of a specific Upgrade or Upgrade Eligibility
A list of ‘ UpgradeStepItem ` s representing information about each
@!attribute [rw] steps_list
@return [String]
* Failed
* Succeeded with Issues
* Succeeded
following values: * In Progress
The overall status of the update. The status can take one of the
@!attribute [rw] upgrade_status
@return [Time]
“yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ” format.
UTC Timestamp at which the Upgrade API call was made in
@!attribute [rw] start_timestamp
@return [String]
A string that describes the update briefly
@!attribute [rw] upgrade_name
History of the last 10 Upgrades and Upgrade Eligibility Checks.