class Bundler::Thor::Runner

def display_klasses(with_modules = false, show_internal = false, klasses = Bundler::Thor::Base.subclasses)

it shows a table with information extracted from the yaml file.
Display information about the given klasses. If with_module is given,
def display_klasses(with_modules = false, show_internal = false, klasses = Bundler::Thor::Base.subclasses)
  klasses -= [Bundler::Thor, Bundler::Thor::Runner, Bundler::Thor::Group] unless show_internal
  fail Error, "No Bundler::Thor commands available" if klasses.empty?
  show_modules if with_modules && !thor_yaml.empty?
  list = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
  groups = { |k| k.ancestors.include?(Bundler::Thor::Group) }
  # Get classes which inherit from Bundler::Thor
  (klasses - groups).each { |k| list[k.namespace.split(":").first] += k.printable_commands(false) }
  # Get classes which inherit from Bundler::Thor::Base! { |k| k.printable_commands(false).first }
  list["root"] = groups
  # Order namespaces with default coming first
  list = list.sort { |a, b| a[0].sub(/^default/, "") <=> b[0].sub(/^default/, "") }
  list.each { |n, commands| display_commands(n, commands) unless commands.empty? }