class Thor::Shell::Basic
def as_unicode
def as_unicode yield end
def as_unicode
def as_unicode old, $KCODE = $KCODE, "U" yield ensure $KCODE = old end
def ask(statement, *args)
ask("What is your favorite Neopolitan flavor?", :limited_to => ["strawberry", "chocolate", "vanilla"])
ask("What is your name?")
==== Example
must be given and re-asked the question.
they will be shown a message stating that one of those answers
array of acceptable answers. If one of those is not supplied,
If asked to limit the correct responses, you can pass in an
Asks something to the user and receives a response.
def ask(statement, *args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} color = args.first if options[:limited_to] ask_filtered(statement, color, options) else ask_simply(statement, color, options) end end
def ask_filtered(statement, color, options)
def ask_filtered(statement, color, options) answer_set = options[:limited_to] correct_answer = nil until correct_answer answers = answer_set.join(", ") answer = ask_simply("#{statement} [#{answers}]", color, options) correct_answer = answer_set.include?(answer) ? answer : nil say("Your response must be one of: [#{answers}]. Please try again.") unless correct_answer end correct_answer end
def ask_simply(statement, color, options)
def ask_simply(statement, color, options) default = options[:default] message = [statement, ("(#{default})" if default), nil].uniq.join(" ") say(message, color) result = stdin.gets return unless result result.strip! if default && result == "" default else result end end
def can_display_colors?
def can_display_colors? false end
def dynamic_width
def dynamic_width @dynamic_width ||= (dynamic_width_stty.nonzero? || dynamic_width_tput) end
def dynamic_width_stty
def dynamic_width_stty %x{stty size 2>/dev/null}.split[1].to_i end
def dynamic_width_tput
def dynamic_width_tput %x{tput cols 2>/dev/null}.to_i end
def error(statement)
will be rescued and wrapped in the method below.
wrong, you can always raise an exception. If you raise a Thor::Error, it
internally and should not be used inside your scripts. If something went
Called if something goes wrong during the execution. This is used by Thor
def error(statement) stderr.puts statement end
def file_collision(destination)
==== Parameters
response as the content for the diff.
overwritten and false otherwise. If a block is given, it uses the block
Deals with file collision and returns true if the file should be
def file_collision(destination) return true if @always_force options = block_given? ? "[Ynaqdh]" : "[Ynaqh]" while true answer = ask %[Overwrite #{destination}? (enter "h" for help) #{options}] case answer when is?(:yes), is?(:force), "" return true when is?(:no), is?(:skip) return false when is?(:always) return @always_force = true when is?(:quit) say 'Aborting...' raise SystemExit when is?(:diff) show_diff(destination, yield) if block_given? say 'Retrying...' else say file_collision_help end end end
def file_collision_help #:nodoc:
def file_collision_help #:nodoc: s, overwrite , do not overwrite l, overwrite this and all others it, abort ff, show the differences between the old and the new lp, show this help end
def initialize #:nodoc:
Initialize base, mute and padding to nil.
def initialize #:nodoc: @base, @mute, @padding = nil, false, 0 end
def is?(value) #:nodoc:
def is?(value) #:nodoc: value = value.to_s if value.size == 1 /\A#{value}\z/i else /\A(#{value}|#{value[0,1]})\z/i end end
def lookup_color(color)
def lookup_color(color) return color unless color.is_a?(Symbol) self.class.const_get(color.to_s.upcase) end
def mute
Mute everything that's inside given block
def mute @mute = true yield ensure @mute = false end
def mute?
Check if base is muted
def mute? @mute end
def no?(statement, color=nil)
Make a question the to user and returns true if the user replies "n" or
def no?(statement, color=nil) !yes?(statement, color) end
def padding=(value)
Sets the output padding, not allowing less than zero values.
def padding=(value) @padding = [0, value].max end
def print_in_columns(array)
Array[String, String, ...]
==== Parameters
Prints values in columns
def print_in_columns(array) return if array.empty? colwidth = ({|el| el.to_s.size}.max || 0) + 2 array.each_with_index do |value, index| # Don't output trailing spaces when printing the last column if ((((index + 1) % (terminal_width / colwidth))).zero? && ! || index + 1 == array.length stdout.puts value else stdout.printf("%-#{colwidth}s", value) end end end
def print_table(array, options={})
==== Options
Array[Array[String, String, ...]]
==== Parameters
Prints a table.
def print_table(array, options={}) return if array.empty? formats, indent, colwidth = [], options[:indent].to_i, options[:colwidth] options[:truncate] = terminal_width if options[:truncate] == true formats << "%-#{colwidth + 2}s" if colwidth start = colwidth ? 1 : 0 colcount = array.max{|a,b| a.size <=> b.size }.size maximas = [] start.upto(colcount - 1) do |index| maxima = {|row| row[index] ? row[index].to_s.size : 0 }.max maximas << maxima if index == colcount - 1 # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column formats << "%-s" else formats << "%-#{maxima + 2}s" end end formats[0] = formats[0].insert(0, " " * indent) formats << "%s" array.each do |row| sentence = "" row.each_with_index do |column, index| maxima = maximas[index] if column.is_a?(Numeric) if index == row.size - 1 # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column f = "%#{maxima}s" else f = "%#{maxima}s " end else f = formats[index] end sentence << f % column.to_s end sentence = truncate(sentence, options[:truncate]) if options[:truncate] stdout.puts sentence end end
def print_wrapped(message, options={})
==== Options
==== Parameters
terminal display. Ideal for printing heredocs.
Prints a long string, word-wrapping the text to the current width of the
def print_wrapped(message, options={}) indent = options[:indent] || 0 width = terminal_width - indent paras = message.split("\n\n")! do |unwrapped| unwrapped.strip.gsub(/\n/, " ").squeeze(" "). gsub(/.{1,#{width}}(?:\s|\Z)/){($& + 5.chr). gsub(/\n\005/,"\n").gsub(/\005/,"\n")} end paras.each do |para| para.split("\n").each do |line| stdout.puts line.insert(0, " " * indent) end stdout.puts unless para == paras.last end end
def quiet? #:nodoc:
def quiet? #:nodoc: mute? || (base && base.options[:quiet]) end
def say(message="", color=nil, force_new_line=(message.to_s !~ /( |\t)\Z/))
say("I know you knew that.")
==== Example
are passed straight to puts (behavior got from Highline).
or tab character, a new line is not appended (print + flush). Otherwise
Say (print) something to the user. If the sentence ends with a whitespace
def say(message="", color=nil, force_new_line=(message.to_s !~ /( |\t)\Z/)) message = message.to_s message = set_color(message, *color) if color && can_display_colors? spaces = " " * padding if force_new_line stdout.puts(spaces + message) else stdout.print(spaces + message) end stdout.flush end
def say_status(status, message, log_status=true)
given in log_status, it's used as the color.
in log_status, avoiding the message from being shown. If a Symbol is
method is used frequently by actions, it allows nil or false to be given
Say a status with the given color and appends the message. Since this
def say_status(status, message, log_status=true) return if quiet? || log_status == false spaces = " " * (padding + 1) color = log_status.is_a?(Symbol) ? log_status : :green status = status.to_s.rjust(12) status = set_color status, color, true if color stdout.puts "#{status}#{spaces}#{message}" stdout.flush end
def set_color(string, *args) #:nodoc:
Thor::Shell::Basic class.
Apply color to the given string with optional bold. Disabled in the
def set_color(string, *args) #:nodoc: string end
def show_diff(destination, content) #:nodoc:
def show_diff(destination, content) #:nodoc: diff_cmd = ENV['THOR_DIFF'] || ENV['RAILS_DIFF'] || 'diff -u', File.dirname(destination)) do |temp| temp.write content temp.rewind system %(#{diff_cmd} "#{destination}" "#{temp.path}") end end
def stderr
def stderr $stderr end
def stdin
def stdin $stdin end
def stdout
def stdout $stdout end
def terminal_width
This code was copied from Rake, available under MIT-LICENSE
def terminal_width if ENV['THOR_COLUMNS'] result = ENV['THOR_COLUMNS'].to_i else result = unix? ? dynamic_width : 80 end (result < 10) ? 80 : result rescue 80 end
def truncate(string, width)
def truncate(string, width) as_unicode do chars = string.chars.to_a if chars.length <= width chars.join else ( chars[0, width-3].join ) + "..." end end end
def unix?
def unix? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(aix|darwin|linux|(net|free|open)bsd|cygwin|solaris|irix|hpux)/i end
def yes?(statement, color=nil)
Make a question the to user and returns true if the user replies "y" or
def yes?(statement, color=nil) !!(ask(statement, color) =~ is?(:yes)) end