class Thor::Shell::Basic
def print_wrapped(message, options={})
==== Options
==== Parameters
terminal display. Ideal for printing heredocs.
Prints a long string, word-wrapping the text to the current width of the
def print_wrapped(message, options={}) indent = options[:indent] || 0 width = terminal_width - indent paras = message.split("\n\n")! do |unwrapped| unwrapped.strip.gsub(/\n/, " ").squeeze(" "). gsub(/.{1,#{width}}(?:\s|\Z)/){($& + 5.chr). gsub(/\n\005/,"\n").gsub(/\005/,"\n")} end paras.each do |para| para.split("\n").each do |line| stdout.puts line.insert(0, " " * indent) end stdout.puts unless para == paras.last end end