class ChefCLI::PolicyfileServices::PushArchive

def looks_like_old_format_archive?(staging_dir)

def looks_like_old_format_archive?(staging_dir)
  cookbooks_dir = File.join(staging_dir, "cookbooks")
  data_bags_dir = File.join(staging_dir, "data_bags")
  cookbook_artifacts_dir = File.join(staging_dir, "cookbook_artifacts")
  policies_dir = File.join(staging_dir, "policies")
  policy_groups_dir = File.join(staging_dir, "policy_groups")
  # Old archives just had these two dirs
  have_old_dirs = File.exist?(cookbooks_dir) && File.exist?(data_bags_dir)
  # New archives created by `chef export` will have all of these; it's
  # also possible we'll encounter an "artisanal" archive, which might
  # only be missing one of these by accident. In that case we want to
  # trigger a different error than we're detecting here.
  have_any_new_dirs = File.exist?(cookbook_artifacts_dir) ||
    File.exist?(policies_dir) ||
  have_old_dirs && !have_any_new_dirs