moduleChefSpec# This module contains the list of methods that are specific to creating and# managing resources within an Chef Zero instance. It is designed to be# included in a class which exposes a `server` instance variable or method# that returns a {ChefZero::Server} instance.moduleServerMethods## The actual Chef Zero Server object.## @return [ChefZero::Server]#defserverChefSpec::ZeroServer.serverend## @macro entity# @method create_$1(name, data = {})# Create a new $1 on the Chef Server## @param [String] name# the name of the $1# @param [Hash] data# the list of data to load### @method $1(name)# Find a $1 at the given name## @param [String] name# the name of the $1## @return [$2, nil]### @method $3# The list of $1 on the Chef Server## @return [Array<Hash>]# all the $1 on the Chef Server### @method has_$1?(name)# Determine if the Chef Server has the given $1## @param [String] name# the name of the $1 to find## @return [true, false]#defself.entity(method,klass,key)class_eval<<-EOH,__FILE__,__LINE__+1
def create_#{method}(name, data = {})
# Automatically set the "name" if no explicit one was given
data[:name] ||= name
# Convert it to JSON
data = JSON.fast_generate(data)
load_data(name, '#{key}', data)
def get_#{method}(name)
data = get('#{key}', name)
json = JSON.parse(data)
when #{klass}.respond_to?(:json_create)
when #{klass}.respond_to?(:from_hash)
rescue ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError
def get_#{key}
def has_#{method}?(name)
!get('#{key}', name).nil?
rescue ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError
EOHendentity:client,Chef::Client,"clients"entity:data_bag,Chef::DataBag,"data"entity:environment,Chef::Environment,"environments"entity:node,Chef::Node,"nodes"entity:role,Chef::Role,"roles"## Create a new data_bag on the Chef Server. This overrides the method# created by {entity}## @param [String] name# the name of the data bag# @param [Hash] data# the data to load into the data bag#defcreate_data_bag(name,data={})load_data(name,"data",data)end## Create a new node on the Chef Server. This overrides the method created# by {entity}, permitting users to pass a raw +Chef::Node+ object in# addition to a hash.## @example Create a node from a hash## create_node('bacon', attribute: 'value')## @example Create a node from a +Chef::Node+ object## node = stub_node('bacon', platform: 'ubuntu', version: '18.04')# create_node(node)## @param [String, Chef::Node] object# the object to create; this can be the name of the node, or an actual# +Chef::Node+ object# @param [Hash] data# the list of data to populate the node with; this is ignored if an# actual node object is given#defcreate_node(object,data={})ifobject.is_a?(Chef::Node)name=object.namedata=object.to_jsonelsename=object.to_sdata[:name]||=namedata=JSON.fast_generate(data)endload_data(name,"nodes",data)endalias_method:update_node,:create_node## Shortcut method for loading data into Chef Zero.## @param [String] name# the name or id of the item to load# @param [String, Symbol] key# the key to load# @param [Hash] data# the data for the object, which will be converted to JSON and uploaded# to the server#defload_data(name,key,data={})ChefSpec::ZeroServer.load_data(name,key,data)end## Get the path to an item in the data store.#defget(*args)args.unshift("organizations","chef")ifargs.size==3server.data_store.list(args)elseserver.data_store.get(args)endendendend