class Comet::DestinationLocation
This type is available in Comet 17.3.3 and later.
Prior to Comet 17.3.3 this was an embedded part of the DestinationConfig type.
DestinationLocation describes the underlying storage location for a Storage Vault.
DestinationLocation is a typed class wrapper around the underlying Comet Server API data structure.
def clear
def clear @destination_type = 0 @comet_server = '' @comet_bucket = '' @comet_bucket_key = '' @s3server = '' @s3access_key = '' @s3secret_key = '' @s3bucket_name = '' @s3subdir = '' @s3custom_region = '' @s3object_lock_mode = 0 @s3object_lock_days = 0 @sftpserver = '' @sftpusername = '' @sftpremote_path = '' @sftpauth_mode = 0 @sftppassword = '' @sftpprivate_key = '' @sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file = '' @ftpserver = '' @ftpusername = '' @ftppassword = '' @ftpcustom_base_directory = '' @ftpsmode = 0 @ftpport = 0 @ftpmax_connections = 0 @azbaccount_name = '' @azbaccount_key = '' @azbcontainer = '' @azbrealm = '' @azbprefix = '' @localcopy_path = '' @localcopy_win_smbusername = '' @localcopy_win_smbpassword = '' @localcopy_win_smbpassword_format = 0 @swift = @b2 = @web_dav = @storj = @span_targets = [] @tag = '' @unknown_json_fields = {} end
def from_hash(obj)
) -- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def from_hash(obj) raise TypeError, "'obj' expected Hash, got #{obj.class}" unless obj.is_a? Hash obj.each do |k, v| case k when 'DestinationType' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @destination_type = v when 'CometServer' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @comet_server = v when 'CometBucket' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @comet_bucket = v when 'CometBucketKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @comet_bucket_key = v when 'S3Server' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3server = v when 'S3UsesTLS' @s3uses_tls = v when 'S3AccessKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3access_key = v when 'S3SecretKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3secret_key = v when 'S3BucketName' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3bucket_name = v when 'S3Subdir' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3subdir = v when 'S3CustomRegion' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @s3custom_region = v when 'S3UsesV2Signing' @s3uses_v2signing = v when 'S3RemoveDeleted' @s3remove_deleted = v when 'S3ObjectLockMode' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @s3object_lock_mode = v when 'S3ObjectLockDays' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @s3object_lock_days = v when 'SFTPServer' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftpserver = v when 'SFTPUsername' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftpusername = v when 'SFTPRemotePath' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftpremote_path = v when 'SFTPAuthMode' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @sftpauth_mode = v when 'SFTPPassword' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftppassword = v when 'SFTPPrivateKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftpprivate_key = v when 'SFTPCustomAuth_UseKnownHostsFile' @sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file = v when 'SFTPCustomAuth_KnownHostsFile' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file = v when 'FTPServer' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @ftpserver = v when 'FTPUsername' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @ftpusername = v when 'FTPPassword' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @ftppassword = v when 'FTPBaseUseHomeDirectory' @ftpbase_use_home_directory = v when 'FTPCustomBaseDirectory' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @ftpcustom_base_directory = v when 'FTPSMode' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @ftpsmode = v when 'FTPPort' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @ftpport = v when 'FTPMaxConnections' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @ftpmax_connections = v when 'FTPAcceptInvalidSSL' @ftpaccept_invalid_ssl = v when 'AZBAccountName' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @azbaccount_name = v when 'AZBAccountKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @azbaccount_key = v when 'AZBContainer' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @azbcontainer = v when 'AZBRealm' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @azbrealm = v when 'AZBPrefix' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @azbprefix = v when 'LocalcopyPath' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @localcopy_path = v when 'LocalcopyWinSMBUsername' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @localcopy_win_smbusername = v when 'LocalcopyWinSMBPassword' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @localcopy_win_smbpassword = v when 'LocalcopyWinSMBPasswordFormat' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @localcopy_win_smbpassword_format = v when 'Swift' @swift = @swift.from_hash(v) when 'B2' @b2 = @b2.from_hash(v) when 'WebDav' @web_dav = @web_dav.from_hash(v) when 'Storj' @storj = @storj.from_hash(v) when 'SpanTargets' if v.nil? @span_targets = [] else @span_targets = v.each_with_index do |v1, i1| @span_targets[i1] = @span_targets[i1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'SpanUseStaticSlots' @span_use_static_slots = v when 'Tag' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @tag = v else @unknown_json_fields[k] = v end end end
def from_json(json_string)
) -- The complete object in JSON format
def from_json(json_string) raise TypeError, "'json_string' expected String, got #{json_string.class}" unless json_string.is_a? String from_hash(JSON.parse(json_string)) end
def initialize
def initialize clear end
def to_h
- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_h to_hash end
def to_hash
- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_hash ret = {} ret['DestinationType'] = @destination_type ret['CometServer'] = @comet_server ret['CometBucket'] = @comet_bucket ret['CometBucketKey'] = @comet_bucket_key ret['S3Server'] = @s3server ret['S3UsesTLS'] = @s3uses_tls ret['S3AccessKey'] = @s3access_key ret['S3SecretKey'] = @s3secret_key ret['S3BucketName'] = @s3bucket_name ret['S3Subdir'] = @s3subdir ret['S3CustomRegion'] = @s3custom_region ret['S3UsesV2Signing'] = @s3uses_v2signing ret['S3RemoveDeleted'] = @s3remove_deleted ret['S3ObjectLockMode'] = @s3object_lock_mode ret['S3ObjectLockDays'] = @s3object_lock_days ret['SFTPServer'] = @sftpserver ret['SFTPUsername'] = @sftpusername ret['SFTPRemotePath'] = @sftpremote_path ret['SFTPAuthMode'] = @sftpauth_mode ret['SFTPPassword'] = @sftppassword ret['SFTPPrivateKey'] = @sftpprivate_key ret['SFTPCustomAuth_UseKnownHostsFile'] = @sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file ret['SFTPCustomAuth_KnownHostsFile'] = @sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file ret['FTPServer'] = @ftpserver ret['FTPUsername'] = @ftpusername ret['FTPPassword'] = @ftppassword ret['FTPBaseUseHomeDirectory'] = @ftpbase_use_home_directory ret['FTPCustomBaseDirectory'] = @ftpcustom_base_directory ret['FTPSMode'] = @ftpsmode ret['FTPPort'] = @ftpport ret['FTPMaxConnections'] = @ftpmax_connections ret['FTPAcceptInvalidSSL'] = @ftpaccept_invalid_ssl ret['AZBAccountName'] = @azbaccount_name ret['AZBAccountKey'] = @azbaccount_key ret['AZBContainer'] = @azbcontainer ret['AZBRealm'] = @azbrealm ret['AZBPrefix'] = @azbprefix ret['LocalcopyPath'] = @localcopy_path ret['LocalcopyWinSMBUsername'] = @localcopy_win_smbusername ret['LocalcopyWinSMBPassword'] = @localcopy_win_smbpassword ret['LocalcopyWinSMBPasswordFormat'] = @localcopy_win_smbpassword_format ret['Swift'] = @swift ret['B2'] = @b2 ret['WebDav'] = @web_dav ret['Storj'] = @storj ret['SpanTargets'] = @span_targets ret['SpanUseStaticSlots'] = @span_use_static_slots ret['Tag'] = @tag @unknown_json_fields.each do |k, v| ret[k] = v end ret end
def to_json(options = {})
- The complete object as a JSON string
def to_json(options = {}) to_hash.to_json(options) end