class Comet::UserProfileConfig
This is the main data structure for a user’s profile.
UserProfileConfig is a typed class wrapper around the underlying Comet Server API data structure.
def clear
def clear @username = '' @account_name = '' @local_timezone = '' @language_code = '' @organization_id = '' @emails = [] @override_email_settings = {} @destinations = {} @sources = {} @backup_rules = {} @devices = {} @last_suspended = 0 @all_protected_items_quota_bytes = 0 @maximum_devices = 0 @quota_office_365protected_accounts = 0 @policy_id = '' @policy = @password_format = 0 @password_hash = '' @password_recovery = '' @totpkey_encryption_format = 0 @totpkey = '' @create_time = 0 @creation_guid = '' @server_config = @unknown_json_fields = {} end
def from_hash(obj)
) -- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def from_hash(obj) raise TypeError, "'obj' expected Hash, got #{obj.class}" unless obj.is_a? Hash obj.each do |k, v| case k when 'Username' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @username = v when 'AccountName' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @account_name = v when 'LocalTimezone' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @local_timezone = v when 'LanguageCode' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @language_code = v when 'OrganizationID' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @organization_id = v when 'Emails' if v.nil? @emails = [] else @emails = v.each_with_index do |v1, i1| raise TypeError, "'v1' expected String, got #{v1.class}" unless v1.is_a? String @emails[i1] = v1 end end when 'OverrideEmailSettings' @override_email_settings = {} if v.nil? @override_email_settings = {} else v.each do |k1, v1| @override_email_settings[k1] = @override_email_settings[k1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'SendEmailReports' @send_email_reports = v when 'Destinations' @destinations = {} if v.nil? @destinations = {} else v.each do |k1, v1| @destinations[k1] = @destinations[k1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'Sources' @sources = {} if v.nil? @sources = {} else v.each do |k1, v1| @sources[k1] = @sources[k1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'BackupRules' @backup_rules = {} if v.nil? @backup_rules = {} else v.each do |k1, v1| @backup_rules[k1] = @backup_rules[k1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'Devices' @devices = {} if v.nil? @devices = {} else v.each do |k1, v1| @devices[k1] = @devices[k1].from_hash(v1) end end when 'IsSuspended' @is_suspended = v when 'LastSuspended' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @last_suspended = v when 'AllProtectedItemsQuotaEnabled' @all_protected_items_quota_enabled = v when 'AllProtectedItemsQuotaBytes' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @all_protected_items_quota_bytes = v when 'MaximumDevices' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @maximum_devices = v when 'QuotaOffice365ProtectedAccounts' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @quota_office_365protected_accounts = v when 'PolicyID' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @policy_id = v when 'Policy' @policy = @policy.from_hash(v) when 'PasswordFormat' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @password_format = v when 'PasswordHash' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @password_hash = v when 'PasswordRecovery' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @password_recovery = v when 'AllowPasswordLogin' @allow_password_login = v when 'AllowPasswordAndTOTPLogin' @allow_password_and_totplogin = v when 'TOTPKeyEncryptionFormat' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @totpkey_encryption_format = v when 'TOTPKey' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @totpkey = v when 'RequirePasswordChange' @require_password_change = v when 'CreateTime' raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric @create_time = v when 'CreationGUID' raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String @creation_guid = v when 'ServerConfig' @server_config = @server_config.from_hash(v) else @unknown_json_fields[k] = v end end end
def from_json(json_string)
) -- The complete object in JSON format
def from_json(json_string) raise TypeError, "'json_string' expected String, got #{json_string.class}" unless json_string.is_a? String from_hash(JSON.parse(json_string)) end
def initialize
def initialize clear end
def to_h
- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_h to_hash end
def to_hash
- The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_hash ret = {} ret['Username'] = @username ret['AccountName'] = @account_name ret['LocalTimezone'] = @local_timezone ret['LanguageCode'] = @language_code unless @organization_id.nil? ret['OrganizationID'] = @organization_id end ret['Emails'] = @emails ret['OverrideEmailSettings'] = @override_email_settings ret['SendEmailReports'] = @send_email_reports ret['Destinations'] = @destinations ret['Sources'] = @sources ret['BackupRules'] = @backup_rules ret['Devices'] = @devices ret['IsSuspended'] = @is_suspended unless @last_suspended.nil? ret['LastSuspended'] = @last_suspended end ret['AllProtectedItemsQuotaEnabled'] = @all_protected_items_quota_enabled ret['AllProtectedItemsQuotaBytes'] = @all_protected_items_quota_bytes ret['MaximumDevices'] = @maximum_devices ret['QuotaOffice365ProtectedAccounts'] = @quota_office_365protected_accounts ret['PolicyID'] = @policy_id ret['Policy'] = @policy ret['PasswordFormat'] = @password_format ret['PasswordHash'] = @password_hash unless @password_recovery.nil? ret['PasswordRecovery'] = @password_recovery end ret['AllowPasswordLogin'] = @allow_password_login ret['AllowPasswordAndTOTPLogin'] = @allow_password_and_totplogin ret['TOTPKeyEncryptionFormat'] = @totpkey_encryption_format ret['TOTPKey'] = @totpkey ret['RequirePasswordChange'] = @require_password_change ret['CreateTime'] = @create_time ret['CreationGUID'] = @creation_guid unless @server_config.nil? ret['ServerConfig'] = @server_config end @unknown_json_fields.each do |k, v| ret[k] = v end ret end
def to_json(options = {})
- The complete object as a JSON string
def to_json(options = {}) to_hash.to_json(options) end