# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Comet Licensing Ltd.
# Please see the LICENSE file for usage information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
require 'json'
module Comet
# BrandingOptions is a typed class wrapper around the underlying Comet Server API data structure.
class BrandingOptions
# One of the BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_ constants
# This field is available in Comet 23.3.3 and later.
# @type [Number] branding_style_type
attr_accessor :branding_style_type
# @type [String] brand_name
attr_accessor :brand_name
# @type [String] logo_image
attr_accessor :logo_image
# @type [String] top_color
attr_accessor :top_color
# @type [String] accent_color
attr_accessor :accent_color
# @type [String] favicon
attr_accessor :favicon
# @type [Boolean] hide_news_area
attr_accessor :hide_news_area
# @type [String] product_name
attr_accessor :product_name
# @type [String] company_name
attr_accessor :company_name
# @type [String] help_url
attr_accessor :help_url
# @type [Boolean] help_is_popup
attr_accessor :help_is_popup
# @type [String] default_login_server_url
attr_accessor :default_login_server_url
# @type [String] tile_background_color
attr_accessor :tile_background_color
# @type [String] account_register_url
attr_accessor :account_register_url
# @type [Boolean] hide_background_logo
attr_accessor :hide_background_logo
# One of the CLIENTBRANDINGBUILD_ constants
# @type [Number] build_mode
attr_accessor :build_mode
# @type [String] path_ico_file
attr_accessor :path_ico_file
# @type [String] path_icns_file
attr_accessor :path_icns_file
# @type [String] path_menu_bar_icns_file
attr_accessor :path_menu_bar_icns_file
# @type [String] path_eula_rtf
attr_accessor :path_eula_rtf
# @type [String] path_tile_png
attr_accessor :path_tile_png
# @type [String] path_header_image
attr_accessor :path_header_image
# @type [String] path_app_icon_image
attr_accessor :path_app_icon_image
# @type [String] package_identifier
attr_accessor :package_identifier
# One of the WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_ constants
# @type [Number] windows_code_sign_method
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_method
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs12file_path
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs12file_path
# One of the ENCRYPTIONMETHOD_ constants
# @type [Number] windows_code_sign_pkcs12password_format
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs12password_format
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs12password
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs12password
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs11engine
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11engine
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs11module
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11module
# This field was deprecated between 23.3.0 and 23.6.x, but is now used again.
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs11certfile
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11certfile
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs11key_id
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11key_id
# One of the ENCRYPTIONMETHOD_ constants
# @type [Number] windows_code_sign_pkcs11password_format
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11password_format
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_pkcs11password
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_pkcs11password
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_azure_vault_name
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_vault_name
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_azure_cert_name
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_cert_name
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_azure_app_id
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_app_id
# One of the ENCRYPTIONMETHOD_ constants
# @type [Number] windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret_format
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret_format
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret
# @type [String] windows_code_sign_azure_tenant_id
attr_accessor :windows_code_sign_azure_tenant_id
# @type [Comet::MacOSCodeSignProperties] mac_oscode_sign
attr_accessor :mac_oscode_sign
# @type [Hash] Hidden storage to preserve future properties for non-destructive roundtrip operations
attr_accessor :unknown_json_fields
def initialize
def clear
@branding_style_type = 0
@brand_name = ''
@logo_image = ''
@top_color = ''
@accent_color = ''
@favicon = ''
@product_name = ''
@company_name = ''
@help_url = ''
@default_login_server_url = ''
@tile_background_color = ''
@account_register_url = ''
@build_mode = 0
@path_ico_file = ''
@path_icns_file = ''
@path_menu_bar_icns_file = ''
@path_eula_rtf = ''
@path_tile_png = ''
@path_header_image = ''
@path_app_icon_image = ''
@package_identifier = ''
@windows_code_sign_method = 0
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12file_path = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12password_format = 0
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12password = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11engine = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11module = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11certfile = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11key_id = ''
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11password_format = 0
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11password = ''
@windows_code_sign_azure_vault_name = ''
@windows_code_sign_azure_cert_name = ''
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_id = ''
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret_format = 0
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret = ''
@windows_code_sign_azure_tenant_id = ''
@mac_oscode_sign = Comet::MacOSCodeSignProperties.new
@unknown_json_fields = {}
# @param [String] json_string The complete object in JSON format
def from_json(json_string)
raise TypeError, "'json_string' expected String, got #{json_string.class}" unless json_string.is_a? String
# @param [Hash] obj The complete object as a Ruby hash
def from_hash(obj)
raise TypeError, "'obj' expected Hash, got #{obj.class}" unless obj.is_a? Hash
obj.each do |k, v|
case k
when 'BrandingStyleType'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@branding_style_type = v
when 'BrandName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@brand_name = v
when 'LogoImage'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@logo_image = v
when 'TopColor'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@top_color = v
when 'AccentColor'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@accent_color = v
when 'Favicon'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@favicon = v
when 'HideNewsArea'
@hide_news_area = v
when 'ProductName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@product_name = v
when 'CompanyName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@company_name = v
when 'HelpURL'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@help_url = v
when 'HelpIsPopup'
@help_is_popup = v
when 'DefaultLoginServerURL'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@default_login_server_url = v
when 'TileBackgroundColor'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@tile_background_color = v
when 'AccountRegisterURL'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@account_register_url = v
when 'HideBackgroundLogo'
@hide_background_logo = v
when 'BuildMode'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@build_mode = v
when 'PathIcoFile'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_ico_file = v
when 'PathIcnsFile'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_icns_file = v
when 'PathMenuBarIcnsFile'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_menu_bar_icns_file = v
when 'PathEulaRtf'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_eula_rtf = v
when 'PathTilePng'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_tile_png = v
when 'PathHeaderImage'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_header_image = v
when 'PathAppIconImage'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@path_app_icon_image = v
when 'PackageIdentifier'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@package_identifier = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignMethod'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@windows_code_sign_method = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS12FilePath'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12file_path = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS12PasswordFormat'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12password_format = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS12Password'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs12password = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Engine'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11engine = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Module'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11module = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Certfile'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11certfile = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11KeyID'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11key_id = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11PasswordFormat'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11password_format = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Password'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_pkcs11password = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureVaultName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_azure_vault_name = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureCertName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_azure_cert_name = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureAppID'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_id = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureAppSecretFormat'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret_format = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureAppSecret'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret = v
when 'WindowsCodeSignAzureTenantID'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@windows_code_sign_azure_tenant_id = v
when 'MacOSCodeSign'
@mac_oscode_sign = Comet::MacOSCodeSignProperties.new
@unknown_json_fields[k] = v
# @return [Hash] The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_hash
ret = {}
ret['BrandingStyleType'] = @branding_style_type
ret['BrandName'] = @brand_name
ret['LogoImage'] = @logo_image
ret['TopColor'] = @top_color
ret['AccentColor'] = @accent_color
ret['Favicon'] = @favicon
ret['HideNewsArea'] = @hide_news_area
ret['ProductName'] = @product_name
ret['CompanyName'] = @company_name
ret['HelpURL'] = @help_url
ret['HelpIsPopup'] = @help_is_popup
ret['DefaultLoginServerURL'] = @default_login_server_url
ret['TileBackgroundColor'] = @tile_background_color
ret['AccountRegisterURL'] = @account_register_url
ret['HideBackgroundLogo'] = @hide_background_logo
ret['BuildMode'] = @build_mode
ret['PathIcoFile'] = @path_ico_file
ret['PathIcnsFile'] = @path_icns_file
ret['PathMenuBarIcnsFile'] = @path_menu_bar_icns_file
ret['PathEulaRtf'] = @path_eula_rtf
ret['PathTilePng'] = @path_tile_png
ret['PathHeaderImage'] = @path_header_image
ret['PathAppIconImage'] = @path_app_icon_image
ret['PackageIdentifier'] = @package_identifier
ret['WindowsCodeSignMethod'] = @windows_code_sign_method
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS12FilePath'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs12file_path
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS12PasswordFormat'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs12password_format
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS12Password'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs12password
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Engine'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11engine
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Module'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11module
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Certfile'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11certfile
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11KeyID'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11key_id
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11PasswordFormat'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11password_format
ret['WindowsCodeSignPKCS11Password'] = @windows_code_sign_pkcs11password
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureVaultName'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_vault_name
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureCertName'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_cert_name
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureAppID'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_app_id
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureAppSecretFormat'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret_format
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureAppSecret'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_app_secret
ret['WindowsCodeSignAzureTenantID'] = @windows_code_sign_azure_tenant_id
ret['MacOSCodeSign'] = @mac_oscode_sign
@unknown_json_fields.each do |k, v|
ret[k] = v
# @return [Hash] The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_h
# @return [String] The complete object as a JSON string
def to_json(options = {})