# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Comet Licensing Ltd.
# Please see the LICENSE file for usage information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
require 'json'
module Comet
# DestinationConfig is a typed class wrapper around the underlying Comet Server API data structure.
class DestinationConfig
# @type [String] description
attr_accessor :description
# Unix timestamp in seconds
# @type [Number] create_time
attr_accessor :create_time
# Unix timestamp in seconds
# @type [Number] modify_time
attr_accessor :modify_time
# Custom commands to run before the job
# @type [Array<String>] pre_exec
attr_accessor :pre_exec
# Custom commands to run after taking a disk snapshot
# @type [Array<String>] thaw_exec
attr_accessor :thaw_exec
# Custom commands to run after the job
# @type [Array<String>] post_exec
attr_accessor :post_exec
# One of the DESTINATIONTYPE_ constants
# @type [Number] destination_type
attr_accessor :destination_type
# The URL for the target Comet Server Storage Role, including http/https and trailing slash
# @type [String] comet_server
attr_accessor :comet_server
# @type [String] comet_bucket
attr_accessor :comet_bucket
# @type [String] comet_bucket_key
attr_accessor :comet_bucket_key
# @type [String] s3server
attr_accessor :s3server
# @type [Boolean] s3uses_tls
attr_accessor :s3uses_tls
# @type [String] s3access_key
attr_accessor :s3access_key
# @type [String] s3secret_key
attr_accessor :s3secret_key
# @type [String] s3bucket_name
attr_accessor :s3bucket_name
# @type [String] s3subdir
attr_accessor :s3subdir
# @type [String] s3custom_region
attr_accessor :s3custom_region
# If true, use legacy v2 signing. If false (default), use modern v4 signing
# @type [Boolean] s3uses_v2signing
attr_accessor :s3uses_v2signing
# @type [Boolean] s3remove_deleted
attr_accessor :s3remove_deleted
# @type [Number] s3object_lock_mode
attr_accessor :s3object_lock_mode
# @type [Number] s3object_lock_days
attr_accessor :s3object_lock_days
# @type [String] sftpserver
attr_accessor :sftpserver
# @type [String] sftpusername
attr_accessor :sftpusername
# The directory on the SFTP server in which data is stored.
# @type [String] sftpremote_path
attr_accessor :sftpremote_path
# One of the DESTINATION_SFTP_AUTHMODE_ constants
# @type [Number] sftpauth_mode
attr_accessor :sftpauth_mode
# For use with DESTINATION_SFTP_AUTHMODE_PASSWORD only: the SSH password to connect with
# @type [String] sftppassword
attr_accessor :sftppassword
# For use with DESTINATION_SFTP_AUTHMODE_PRIVATEKEY only: the SSH private key to connect with, in
# OpenSSH format.
# @type [String] sftpprivate_key
attr_accessor :sftpprivate_key
# If true, then the SFTPCustomAuth_KnownHostsFile will be used to verify the remote SSH server's
# host key, using Trust On First Use (TOFU).
# @type [Boolean] sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file
attr_accessor :sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file
# If SFTPCustomAuth_UseKnownHostFile is true, the path to the SSH known_hosts file.
# @type [String] sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file
attr_accessor :sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file
# @type [String] ftpserver
attr_accessor :ftpserver
# @type [String] ftpusername
attr_accessor :ftpusername
# @type [String] ftppassword
attr_accessor :ftppassword
# If true, store data in the default home directory given by the FTP server. If false, store data in
# the FTPCustomBaseDirectory path.
# @type [Boolean] ftpbase_use_home_directory
attr_accessor :ftpbase_use_home_directory
# If FTPBaseUseHomeDirectory is false, this field controls the path where data is stored.
# @type [String] ftpcustom_base_directory
attr_accessor :ftpcustom_base_directory
# Control whether this is plaintext FTP or secure FTPS by using one of the FTPS_MODE_ constants.
# @type [Number] ftpsmode
attr_accessor :ftpsmode
# @type [Number] ftpport
attr_accessor :ftpport
# If set to zero, uses a system default value that is not unlimited.
# @type [Number] ftpmax_connections
attr_accessor :ftpmax_connections
# @type [Boolean] ftpaccept_invalid_ssl
attr_accessor :ftpaccept_invalid_ssl
# @type [String] azbaccount_name
attr_accessor :azbaccount_name
# @type [String] azbaccount_key
attr_accessor :azbaccount_key
# @type [String] azbcontainer
attr_accessor :azbcontainer
# The base URL for the Azure Blob Storage service. Leave blank to use the global default URL.
# @type [String] azbrealm
attr_accessor :azbrealm
# @type [String] azbprefix
attr_accessor :azbprefix
# @type [String] localcopy_path
attr_accessor :localcopy_path
# If logging in to a Windows network share (SMB/CIFS) is required, enter the username here.
# @type [String] localcopy_win_smbusername
attr_accessor :localcopy_win_smbusername
# If logging in to a Windows network share (SMB/CIFS) is required, enter the password here. The
# password may be hashed as per the LocalcopyWinSMBPasswordFormat field.
# @type [String] localcopy_win_smbpassword
attr_accessor :localcopy_win_smbpassword
# One of the PASSWORD_FORMAT_ constants. It controls the hash format of the LocalcopyWinSMBPassword
# field.
# @type [Number] localcopy_win_smbpassword_format
attr_accessor :localcopy_win_smbpassword_format
# @type [Comet::SwiftDestinationLocation] swift
attr_accessor :swift
# @type [Comet::B2DestinationLocation] b2
attr_accessor :b2
# This field is available in Comet 23.6.9 and later.
# @type [Comet::WebDavDestinationLocation] web_dav
attr_accessor :web_dav
# @type [Comet::StorjDestinationLocation] storj
attr_accessor :storj
# @type [Comet::SMBDestinationLocation] smb
attr_accessor :smb
# A list of underlying destinations, that will be combined and presented as one.
# @type [Array<Comet::DestinationLocation>] span_targets
attr_accessor :span_targets
# If true, this Spanned destination will use a consistent hashing scheme
# to immediately find specific files on exactly one of the target destinations.
# In the Static Slots mode, the span targets cannot be moved or merged, and
# the files must always remain in their original location.
# If false, the Spanned destination system will search all targets to find
# the requested file. This is slightly slower, but allows you to freely merge,
# split, and reorder the underlying destination locations.
# The default option is false.
# @type [Boolean] span_use_static_slots
attr_accessor :span_use_static_slots
# @type [String] tag
attr_accessor :tag
# One of the ENCRYPTIONMETHOD_ constants
# @type [Number] encryption_key_encryption_method
attr_accessor :encryption_key_encryption_method
# @type [String] encrypted_encryption_key
attr_accessor :encrypted_encryption_key
# Unix timestamp in seconds. If zero, the Storage Vault has not yet been initialized for the first
# time.
# @type [Number] repo_init_timestamp
attr_accessor :repo_init_timestamp
# Storage Vault quota
# @type [Boolean] storage_limit_enabled
attr_accessor :storage_limit_enabled
# Storage Vault quota
# @type [Number] storage_limit_bytes
attr_accessor :storage_limit_bytes
# @type [Comet::DestinationStatistics] statistics
attr_accessor :statistics
# Configure the retention policy for this Storage Vault. The rules will be applied to any snapshot
# inside this Storage Vault, unless that snapshot belongs to a Protected Item source that has an
# overriding retention policy.
# @type [Comet::RetentionPolicy] default_retention
attr_accessor :default_retention
# The "Prevent users from viewing the actual storage type" option
# @type [Boolean] rebrand_storage
attr_accessor :rebrand_storage
# If not empty, an error occured during a retention pass. Describes the error.
# @type [String] retention_error
attr_accessor :retention_error
# @type [Hash] Hidden storage to preserve future properties for non-destructive roundtrip operations
attr_accessor :unknown_json_fields
def initialize
def clear
@description = ''
@create_time = 0
@modify_time = 0
@pre_exec = []
@thaw_exec = []
@post_exec = []
@destination_type = 0
@comet_server = ''
@comet_bucket = ''
@comet_bucket_key = ''
@s3server = ''
@s3access_key = ''
@s3secret_key = ''
@s3bucket_name = ''
@s3subdir = ''
@s3custom_region = ''
@s3object_lock_mode = 0
@s3object_lock_days = 0
@sftpserver = ''
@sftpusername = ''
@sftpremote_path = ''
@sftpauth_mode = 0
@sftppassword = ''
@sftpprivate_key = ''
@sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file = ''
@ftpserver = ''
@ftpusername = ''
@ftppassword = ''
@ftpcustom_base_directory = ''
@ftpsmode = 0
@ftpport = 0
@ftpmax_connections = 0
@azbaccount_name = ''
@azbaccount_key = ''
@azbcontainer = ''
@azbrealm = ''
@azbprefix = ''
@localcopy_path = ''
@localcopy_win_smbusername = ''
@localcopy_win_smbpassword = ''
@localcopy_win_smbpassword_format = 0
@swift = Comet::SwiftDestinationLocation.new
@b2 = Comet::B2DestinationLocation.new
@web_dav = Comet::WebDavDestinationLocation.new
@storj = Comet::StorjDestinationLocation.new
@smb = Comet::SMBDestinationLocation.new
@span_targets = []
@tag = ''
@encryption_key_encryption_method = 0
@encrypted_encryption_key = ''
@repo_init_timestamp = 0
@storage_limit_bytes = 0
@statistics = Comet::DestinationStatistics.new
@default_retention = Comet::RetentionPolicy.new
@retention_error = ''
@unknown_json_fields = {}
# @param [String] json_string The complete object in JSON format
def from_json(json_string)
raise TypeError, "'json_string' expected String, got #{json_string.class}" unless json_string.is_a? String
# @param [Hash] obj The complete object as a Ruby hash
def from_hash(obj)
raise TypeError, "'obj' expected Hash, got #{obj.class}" unless obj.is_a? Hash
obj.each do |k, v|
case k
when 'Description'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@description = v
when 'CreateTime'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@create_time = v
when 'ModifyTime'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@modify_time = v
when 'PreExec'
if v.nil?
@pre_exec = []
@pre_exec = Array.new(v.length)
v.each_with_index do |v1, i1|
raise TypeError, "'v1' expected String, got #{v1.class}" unless v1.is_a? String
@pre_exec[i1] = v1
when 'ThawExec'
if v.nil?
@thaw_exec = []
@thaw_exec = Array.new(v.length)
v.each_with_index do |v1, i1|
raise TypeError, "'v1' expected String, got #{v1.class}" unless v1.is_a? String
@thaw_exec[i1] = v1
when 'PostExec'
if v.nil?
@post_exec = []
@post_exec = Array.new(v.length)
v.each_with_index do |v1, i1|
raise TypeError, "'v1' expected String, got #{v1.class}" unless v1.is_a? String
@post_exec[i1] = v1
when 'DestinationType'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@destination_type = v
when 'CometServer'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@comet_server = v
when 'CometBucket'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@comet_bucket = v
when 'CometBucketKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@comet_bucket_key = v
when 'S3Server'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3server = v
when 'S3UsesTLS'
@s3uses_tls = v
when 'S3AccessKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3access_key = v
when 'S3SecretKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3secret_key = v
when 'S3BucketName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3bucket_name = v
when 'S3Subdir'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3subdir = v
when 'S3CustomRegion'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@s3custom_region = v
when 'S3UsesV2Signing'
@s3uses_v2signing = v
when 'S3RemoveDeleted'
@s3remove_deleted = v
when 'S3ObjectLockMode'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@s3object_lock_mode = v
when 'S3ObjectLockDays'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@s3object_lock_days = v
when 'SFTPServer'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftpserver = v
when 'SFTPUsername'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftpusername = v
when 'SFTPRemotePath'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftpremote_path = v
when 'SFTPAuthMode'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@sftpauth_mode = v
when 'SFTPPassword'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftppassword = v
when 'SFTPPrivateKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftpprivate_key = v
when 'SFTPCustomAuth_UseKnownHostsFile'
@sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file = v
when 'SFTPCustomAuth_KnownHostsFile'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file = v
when 'FTPServer'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@ftpserver = v
when 'FTPUsername'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@ftpusername = v
when 'FTPPassword'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@ftppassword = v
when 'FTPBaseUseHomeDirectory'
@ftpbase_use_home_directory = v
when 'FTPCustomBaseDirectory'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@ftpcustom_base_directory = v
when 'FTPSMode'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@ftpsmode = v
when 'FTPPort'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@ftpport = v
when 'FTPMaxConnections'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@ftpmax_connections = v
when 'FTPAcceptInvalidSSL'
@ftpaccept_invalid_ssl = v
when 'AZBAccountName'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@azbaccount_name = v
when 'AZBAccountKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@azbaccount_key = v
when 'AZBContainer'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@azbcontainer = v
when 'AZBRealm'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@azbrealm = v
when 'AZBPrefix'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@azbprefix = v
when 'LocalcopyPath'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@localcopy_path = v
when 'LocalcopyWinSMBUsername'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@localcopy_win_smbusername = v
when 'LocalcopyWinSMBPassword'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@localcopy_win_smbpassword = v
when 'LocalcopyWinSMBPasswordFormat'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@localcopy_win_smbpassword_format = v
when 'Swift'
@swift = Comet::SwiftDestinationLocation.new
when 'B2'
@b2 = Comet::B2DestinationLocation.new
when 'WebDav'
@web_dav = Comet::WebDavDestinationLocation.new
when 'Storj'
@storj = Comet::StorjDestinationLocation.new
when 'SMB'
@smb = Comet::SMBDestinationLocation.new
when 'SpanTargets'
if v.nil?
@span_targets = []
@span_targets = Array.new(v.length)
v.each_with_index do |v1, i1|
@span_targets[i1] = Comet::DestinationLocation.new
when 'SpanUseStaticSlots'
@span_use_static_slots = v
when 'Tag'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@tag = v
when 'EncryptionKeyEncryptionMethod'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@encryption_key_encryption_method = v
when 'EncryptedEncryptionKey'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@encrypted_encryption_key = v
when 'RepoInitTimestamp'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@repo_init_timestamp = v
when 'StorageLimitEnabled'
@storage_limit_enabled = v
when 'StorageLimitBytes'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected Numeric, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? Numeric
@storage_limit_bytes = v
when 'Statistics'
@statistics = Comet::DestinationStatistics.new
when 'DefaultRetention'
@default_retention = Comet::RetentionPolicy.new
when 'RebrandStorage'
@rebrand_storage = v
when 'RetentionError'
raise TypeError, "'v' expected String, got #{v.class}" unless v.is_a? String
@retention_error = v
@unknown_json_fields[k] = v
# @return [Hash] The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_hash
ret = {}
ret['Description'] = @description
ret['CreateTime'] = @create_time
ret['ModifyTime'] = @modify_time
ret['PreExec'] = @pre_exec
ret['ThawExec'] = @thaw_exec
ret['PostExec'] = @post_exec
ret['DestinationType'] = @destination_type
ret['CometServer'] = @comet_server
ret['CometBucket'] = @comet_bucket
ret['CometBucketKey'] = @comet_bucket_key
ret['S3Server'] = @s3server
ret['S3UsesTLS'] = @s3uses_tls
ret['S3AccessKey'] = @s3access_key
ret['S3SecretKey'] = @s3secret_key
ret['S3BucketName'] = @s3bucket_name
ret['S3Subdir'] = @s3subdir
ret['S3CustomRegion'] = @s3custom_region
ret['S3UsesV2Signing'] = @s3uses_v2signing
ret['S3RemoveDeleted'] = @s3remove_deleted
ret['S3ObjectLockMode'] = @s3object_lock_mode
ret['S3ObjectLockDays'] = @s3object_lock_days
ret['SFTPServer'] = @sftpserver
ret['SFTPUsername'] = @sftpusername
ret['SFTPRemotePath'] = @sftpremote_path
ret['SFTPAuthMode'] = @sftpauth_mode
ret['SFTPPassword'] = @sftppassword
ret['SFTPPrivateKey'] = @sftpprivate_key
ret['SFTPCustomAuth_UseKnownHostsFile'] = @sftpcustom_auth__use_known_hosts_file
ret['SFTPCustomAuth_KnownHostsFile'] = @sftpcustom_auth__known_hosts_file
ret['FTPServer'] = @ftpserver
ret['FTPUsername'] = @ftpusername
ret['FTPPassword'] = @ftppassword
ret['FTPBaseUseHomeDirectory'] = @ftpbase_use_home_directory
ret['FTPCustomBaseDirectory'] = @ftpcustom_base_directory
ret['FTPSMode'] = @ftpsmode
ret['FTPPort'] = @ftpport
ret['FTPMaxConnections'] = @ftpmax_connections
ret['FTPAcceptInvalidSSL'] = @ftpaccept_invalid_ssl
ret['AZBAccountName'] = @azbaccount_name
ret['AZBAccountKey'] = @azbaccount_key
ret['AZBContainer'] = @azbcontainer
ret['AZBRealm'] = @azbrealm
ret['AZBPrefix'] = @azbprefix
ret['LocalcopyPath'] = @localcopy_path
ret['LocalcopyWinSMBUsername'] = @localcopy_win_smbusername
ret['LocalcopyWinSMBPassword'] = @localcopy_win_smbpassword
ret['LocalcopyWinSMBPasswordFormat'] = @localcopy_win_smbpassword_format
ret['Swift'] = @swift
ret['B2'] = @b2
ret['WebDav'] = @web_dav
ret['Storj'] = @storj
ret['SMB'] = @smb
ret['SpanTargets'] = @span_targets
ret['SpanUseStaticSlots'] = @span_use_static_slots
ret['Tag'] = @tag
ret['EncryptionKeyEncryptionMethod'] = @encryption_key_encryption_method
ret['EncryptedEncryptionKey'] = @encrypted_encryption_key
ret['RepoInitTimestamp'] = @repo_init_timestamp
ret['StorageLimitEnabled'] = @storage_limit_enabled
ret['StorageLimitBytes'] = @storage_limit_bytes
unless @statistics.nil?
ret['Statistics'] = @statistics
ret['DefaultRetention'] = @default_retention
ret['RebrandStorage'] = @rebrand_storage
ret['RetentionError'] = @retention_error
@unknown_json_fields.each do |k, v|
ret[k] = v
# @return [Hash] The complete object as a Ruby hash
def to_h
# @return [String] The complete object as a JSON string
def to_json(options = {})