# frozen_string_literal: true module Faker class HTML < Base class << self ## # Produces a random HTML header format. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.heading #=> "<h5>Autem</h5>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def heading level = rand(1..6) "<h#{level}>#{Lorem.word.capitalize}</h#{level}>" end ## # Produces a random HTML paragraph format. # # @param sentence_count [Integer] The number of sentences in the paragraph. # @param supplemental [Boolean] Include supplemental text. # @param random_sentences_to_add [Integer] The number of random sentences to add to the paragraph. # @param exclude_words [Array<String>] Words to exclude from the generated paragraph. # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.paragraph #=> "<p>Incidunt atque quis</p>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def paragraph(sentence_count: 3, supplemental: false, random_sentences_to_add: 0, exclude_words: nil) "<p>#{Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: sentence_count, supplemental: supplemental, random_sentences_to_add: random_sentences_to_add, exclude_words: exclude_words)}</p>" end ## # Produces a random emphasis formatting on a random word in two HTML paragraphs. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.emphasis #=> "<em>repellat id impedit</em>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def emphasis "<em>#{Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 1)}</em>" end ## # Produces a random ordered list in HTML format, with at least one element. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.ordered_list #=> "<ol>\n<li>Qui reiciendis non consequatur atque.</li>\n<li>Quo doloremque veritatis tempora aut.</li>\n<li>Aspernatur.</li>\n<li>Ea ab.</li>\n<li>Qui.</li>\n<li>Sit pariatur nemo eveniet.</li>\n<li>Molestiae aut.</li>\n<li>Nihil molestias iure placeat.</li>\n<li>Dolore autem quisquam.</li>\n</ol>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def ordered_list number = rand(1..10) items = [] number.times do items << "<li>#{Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 1)}</li>" end "<ol>\n#{items.join("\n")}\n</ol>" end ## # Produces a random unordered list of items between 1 and 10 randomly in HTML format. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.unordered_list #=> "<ul>\n<li>Voluptatum aliquid tempora molestiae facilis non sed.</li>\n<li>Nostrum omnis iste impedit voluptatum dolor.</li>\n<li>Esse quidem et facere.</li>\n</ul>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def unordered_list number = rand(1..10) items = [] number.times do items << "<li>#{Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 1)}</li>" end "<ul>\n#{items.join("\n")}\n</ul>" end ## # Produces a random code block formatted in HTML. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.code #=> "<code>Eos quasi qui.</code>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def code "<code>#{Lorem.sentence(word_count: 1)}</code>" end ## # Produces a random HTML table. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.table #=> "<table>\n<thead>\n<th>ad</th>\n<th>similique</th>\n<th>voluptatem</th>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<td>corrupti</td>\n<td>est</td>\n<td>rerum</td>\n<td>molestiae</td>\n<td>quidem</td>\n<td>et</td>\n<td>in</td>\n<td>tempora</td>\n<td>at</td>\n<\tbody>\n<tfoot>\n<td>voluptatem</td>\n<td>debitis</td>\n<td>rem</td>\n</tfoot>\n</table>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def table header_row = generate_table_row('th', 3) footer_row = generate_table_row('td', 3) body_rows = [] 3.times do row = generate_table_row('td', 3) body_rows << row end thead = "<thead>\n#{header_row}</thead>" tbody = "<tbody>\n#{body_rows.join("\n")}</tbody>" tfoot = "<tfoot>\n#{footer_row}</tfoot>" "<table>\n#{thead}\n#{tbody}\n#{tfoot}\n</table>" end ## # Generates a random <script> tag with the `src` attribute set to a random URL. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.script #=> "<script src=\"\"></script>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def script "<script src=\"#{Faker::Internet.url}.js\"></script>" end ## # Generates a random <link> tag with the `rel` attribute set to "stylesheet" and the `href` attribute set to a random URL. # # @param rel [String] The rel of the link tag. # @return [String] # # @example # #=> "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def link(rel: 'stylesheet') "<link rel=\"#{rel}\" href=\"#{Faker::Internet.url}.css\">" end ## # Generates HTML content with customizable attributes for any HTML tag. # # @param tag [String] The HTML tag to generate. # @param content [String] The Content of the HTML tag. # @param attributes [Hash] The attributes to include in the tag. # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.element(tag: 'div', content: "This is a div with XSS attributes.", attributes: {class: 'xss', onclick: "alert('XSS')"}) #=> "<div class=\"xss\" onclick=\"alert('XSS')\">This is a div with XSS attributes.</div>" # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def element(tag: 'div', content: Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3), attributes: { class: Lorem.word, onclick: "#{Lorem.word}()" }) attribute_string = { |key, value| "#{key}=\"#{value}\"" }.join(' ') "<#{tag} #{attribute_string}>#{content}</#{tag}>" end ## # Produces a random method from the methods above, excluding the methods listed in the arguments. # # @overload random(methods) # @param methods [Symbol] Specify which methods to exclude. # # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.random #=> returns output from a single method outlined above # Faker::HTML.random(exclude: [:table]) #=> returns output from any single method outlined above except for "table" # Faker::HTML.random(exclude: [:ordered_list, :unordered_list]) #=> returns output from any single method outlined above except for either ordered_list and unordered_list # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def random(exclude: []) method_list = available_methods exclude.each { |ex| method_list.delete_if { |meth| meth == ex.to_sym } } send(method_list[Faker::Config.random.rand(0..method_list.length - 1)]) end ## # Generates a random HTML content sandwich, starting with a header, followed by paragraphs, and random elements. # # @param sentences [Integer] The number of sentences in each paragraph. # @param repeat [Integer] The number of times to repeat the pattern (header, paragraph, random). # @return [String] # # @example # Faker::HTML.sandwich(sentences: 3, repeat: 2) #=> returns a sandwich of HTML content with 2 repetitions, each having a header, paragraph, and random element # # @faker.version 3.2.1 def sandwich(sentences: 3, repeat: 1) text_block = [] text_block << heading repeat.times do text_block << paragraph(sentence_count: sentences) text_block << random(exclude: %i[script link]) end text_block.join("\n") end private def available_methods (HTML.public_methods(false) - Base.methods).sort end def generate_table_row(tag, cell_count) row = "<tr>\n" cell_count.times do row += "<#{tag == 'th' ? 'th' : 'td'}>#{Lorem.word}</#{tag == 'th' ? 'th' : 'td'}>\n" end row += "</tr>\n" row end end end end