# frozen_string_literal: true
module Faker
# Based on Perl's Text::Lorem
class Lorem < Base
class << self
# Returs the random word
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.word #=> "soluto"
# Faker::Lorem.word(exclude_words: 'error') #=> "nisi"
# Faker::Lorem.word(exclude_words: 'id, error') #=> "et"
# Faker::Lorem.word(exclude_words: ['id', 'error']) #=> "consequatur"
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def word(exclude_words: nil)
words(number: 1, exclude_words: exclude_words).first
# Generates random 3 words
# @param number [Integer] Number of words to be generated
# @param supplemental [Boolean] Whether to attach supplemental words at the end, default is false
# @return [Array] Array for words
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.words #=> ["hic", "quia", "nihil"]
# Faker::Lorem.words(number: 4) #=> ["est", "temporibus", "et", "quaerat"]
# Faker::Lorem.words(number: 4, supplemental: true) #=> ["nisi", "sit", "allatus", "consequatur"]
# Faker::Lorem.words(number: 4, supplemental: true, exclude_words: 'sit') #=> ["nisi", "allatus", "consequatur", "aut"]
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def words(number: 3, supplemental: false, exclude_words: nil)
resolved_num = resolve(number)
word_list = (
translate('faker.lorem.words') +
(supplemental ? translate('faker.lorem.supplemental') : [])
if exclude_words
exclude_words = exclude_words.split(', ') if exclude_words.instance_of?(::String)
word_list -= exclude_words
word_list *= ((resolved_num / word_list.length) + 1)
shuffle(word_list)[0, resolved_num]
# Generates single character
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.character #=> "e"
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def character
# Produces a random string of alphanumeric characters
# @param number [Integer] The number of characters to generate
# @param min_alpha [Integer] The minimum number of alphabetic to add to the string
# @param min_numeric [Integer] The minimum number of numbers to add to the string
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.characters #=> "uw1ep04lhs0c4d931n1jmrspprf5w..."
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10, min_alpha: 4) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10, min_alpha: 4, min_numeric: 1) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def characters(number: 255, min_alpha: 0, min_numeric: 0)
Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(number: number, min_alpha: min_alpha, min_numeric: min_numeric)
# Generates the emoji
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.multibyte #=> "😀"
# Faker::Lorem.multibyte #=> "❤"
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def multibyte
# Generates sentence
# @param word_count [Integer] How many words should be there in a sentence, default to 4
# @param supplemental [Boolean] Add supplemental words, default to false
# @param random_words_to_add [Integer] Add any random words, default to 0
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.sentence #=> "Magnam qui aut quidem."
# Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 5) #=> "Voluptas rerum aut aliquam velit."
# Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 5, supplemental: true) #=> "Aut viscus curtus votum iusto."
# Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 5, supplemental: true, random_words_to_add:2) #=> "Crinis quo cruentus velit animi vomer."
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def sentence(word_count: 4, supplemental: false, random_words_to_add: 0, exclude_words: nil)
words(number: word_count + rand(random_words_to_add.to_i), supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words).join(locale_space).capitalize + locale_period
# Generates three sentences
# @param number [Integer] How many sentences to be generated, default to 3
# @param supplemental [Boolean] Should add supplemental words, defaults to false
# @return [Array] Returns array for sentences.
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.sentences #=> ["Possimus non tenetur.", "Nulla non excepturi.", "Quisquam rerum facilis."]
# Faker::Lorem.sentences(number: 2) #=> ["Nulla est natus.", "Perferendis autem cum."]
# Faker::Lorem.sentences(number: 2, supplemental: true) #=> ["Cito cena ad.", "Solvo animus allatus."]
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def sentences(number: 3, supplemental: false, exclude_words: nil)
1.upto(resolve(number)).collect { sentence(word_count: 3, supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words) }
# Generates three sentence paragraph
# @param sentence_count [Integer] Number of sentences in the paragraph
# @param supplemental [Boolean]
# @param random_sentences_to_add [Integer]
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph
# #=> "Impedit et est. Aliquid deleniti necessitatibus. Et aspernatur minima."
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)
# #=> "Rerum fugit vitae. Et atque autem."
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2, supplemental: true)
# #=> "Terreo coerceo utor. Vester sunt cogito."
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2, supplemental: true, random_sentences_to_add: 2)
# #=> "Texo tantillus tamisium. Tribuo amissio tamisium. Facere aut canis."
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def paragraph(sentence_count: 3, supplemental: false, random_sentences_to_add: 0, exclude_words: nil)
sentences(number: resolve(sentence_count) + rand(random_sentences_to_add.to_i), supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words).join(locale_space)
# Generates three paragraphs
# @param number [Integer]
# @param supplemental [Boolean]
# @return [Array]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.paragraphs
# Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(number:2)
# Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(number:2, supplemental: true)
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def paragraphs(number: 3, supplemental: false, exclude_words: nil)
1.upto(resolve(number)).collect { paragraph(sentence_count: 3, supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words) }
# Generates paragraph with 256 characters
# @param number [Integer]
# @param supplemental [Boolean]
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(number: 20) #=> "Sit modi alias. Imp."
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(number: 20, supplemental: true) #=> "Certus aveho admove."
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def paragraph_by_chars(number: 256, supplemental: false)
paragraph = paragraph(sentence_count: 3, supplemental: supplemental)
paragraph += " #{paragraph(sentence_count: 3, supplemental: supplemental)}" while paragraph.length < number
"#{paragraph[0...number - 1]}."
# Returns the question with 4 words
# @param word_count [Integer]
# @param supplemental [Boolean]
# @param random_words_to_add [Integer]
# @return [String]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.question #=> "Natus deleniti sequi laudantium?"
# Faker::Lorem.question(word_count: 2) #=> "Quo ut?"
# Faker::Lorem.question(word_count: 2, supplemental: true) #=> "Terga consequatur?"
# Faker::Lorem.question(word_count: 2, supplemental: true, random_words_to_add: 2) #=> "Depulso uter ut?"
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def question(word_count: 4, supplemental: false, random_words_to_add: 0, exclude_words: nil)
words(number: word_count + rand(random_words_to_add), supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words).join(' ').capitalize + locale_question_mark
# Generates array of three questions
# @param number [Integer]
# @param supplemental [Boolean]
# @return [Array]
# @example
# Faker::Lorem.questions #=> ["Amet culpa enim?", "Voluptatem deleniti numquam?", "Veniam non cum?"]
# Faker::Lorem.questions(number: 2) #=> ["Minus occaecati nobis?", "Veniam et alias?"]
# Faker::Lorem.questions(number: 2, supplemental: true) #=> ["Acceptus subito cetera?", "Aro sulum cubicularis?"]
# @faker.version 2.1.3
def questions(number: 3, supplemental: false, exclude_words: nil)
1.upto(resolve(number)).collect { question(word_count: 3, supplemental: supplemental, exclude_words: exclude_words) }
def locale_period
translate('faker.lorem.punctuation.period') || '.'
def locale_space
translate('faker.lorem.punctuation.space') || ' '
def locale_question_mark
translate('faker.lorem.punctuation.question_mark') || '?'