class Geocoder::Result::GeocoderCa
def self.response_attributes
def self.response_attributes %w[latt longt inlatt inlongt distance stnumber staddress prov NearRoad NearRoadDistance betweenRoad1 betweenRoad2 intersection major_intersection] end
def address(format = :full)
def address(format = :full) "#{street_address}, #{city}, #{state} #{postal_code}, #{country}".sub(/^[ ,]*/, "") end
def canadian_province_abbreviations
def canadian_province_abbreviations %w[ON QC NS NB MB BC PE SK AB NL] end
def city
def city @data['city'] or (@data['standard'] and @data['standard']['city']) or "" end
def coordinates
def coordinates [@data['latt'].to_f, @data['longt'].to_f] end
def country
def country country_code == 'CA' ? 'Canada' : 'United States' end
def country_code
def country_code return nil if state.nil? || state == "" canadian_province_abbreviations.include?(state) ? "CA" : "US" end
def postal_code
def postal_code @data['postal'] or (@data['standard'] and @data['standard']['postal']) or "" end
def state
def state @data['prov'] or (@data['standard'] and @data['standard']['prov']) or "" end
def street_address
def street_address "#{@data['stnumber']} #{@data['staddress']}" end