module Geocoder::Lookup
def all_services
Array of valid Lookup service names.
def all_services street_services + ip_services end
def all_services_except_test
Array of valid Lookup service names, excluding :test.
def all_services_except_test all_services - [:test] end
def all_services_with_http_requests
For example, Amazon Location Service uses the AWS gem, not HTTP REST requests, to fetch data.
Array of valid Lookup service names, excluding any that do not build their own HTTP requests.
def all_services_with_http_requests all_services_except_test - [:amazon_location_service] end
def classify_name(filename)
Convert an "underscore" version of a name into a "class" version.
def classify_name(filename) filename.to_s.split("_").map{ |i| i[0...1].upcase + i[1..-1] }.join end
def get(name)
already-configured Lookup object.
Use this instead of to get an
Retrieve a Lookup object from the store.
def get(name) @services = {} unless defined?(@services) @services[name] = spawn(name) unless @services.include?(name) @services[name] end
def instantiate_lookup(name)
Safely instantiate Lookup
def instantiate_lookup(name) class_name = classify_name(name) begin Geocoder::Lookup.const_get(class_name, inherit=false) rescue NameError require "geocoder/lookups/#{name}" end Geocoder::Lookup.const_get(class_name).new end
def ip_services
All IP address lookup services, default first.
def ip_services @ip_services ||= [ :baidu_ip, :abstract_api, :freegeoip, :geoip2, :maxmind, :maxmind_local, :telize, :pointpin, :maxmind_geoip2, :ipinfo_io, :ipregistry, :ipapi_com, :ipdata_co, :db_ip_com, :ipstack, :ip2location, :ipgeolocation, :ipqualityscore, :ipbase ] end
def spawn(name)
Spawn a Lookup of the given name.
def spawn(name) if all_services.include?(name) name = name.to_s instantiate_lookup(name) else valids =", ") raise ConfigurationError, "Please specify a valid lookup for Geocoder " + "(#{name.inspect} is not one of: #{valids})." end end
def street_services
All street address lookup services, default first.
def street_services @street_services ||= [ :location_iq, :dstk, :esri, :google, :google_premier, :google_places_details, :google_places_search, :bing, :geocoder_ca, :yandex, :nationaal_georegister_nl, :nominatim, :mapbox, :mapquest, :uk_ordnance_survey_names, :opencagedata, :pelias, :pickpoint, :here, :baidu, :tencent, :geocodio, :smarty_streets, :postcode_anywhere_uk, :postcodes_io, :geoportail_lu, :ban_data_gouv_fr, :test, :latlon, :amap, :osmnames, :melissa_street, :amazon_location_service, :geoapify, :photon, :twogis, :pc_miler ] end