# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "googleauth/id_tokens/errors"
require "googleauth/id_tokens/key_sources"
require "googleauth/id_tokens/verifier"
module Google
module Auth
# ## Verifying Google ID tokens
# This module verifies ID tokens issued by Google. This can be used to
# authenticate signed-in users using OpenID Connect. See
# https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth for more
# information.
# ### Basic usage
# To verify an ID token issued by Google accounts:
# payload = Google::Auth::IDTokens.verify_oidc the_token,
# aud: "my-app-client-id"
# If verification succeeds, you will receive the token's payload as a hash.
# If verification fails, an exception (normally a subclass of
# {Google::Auth::IDTokens::VerificationError}) will be raised.
# To verify an ID token issued by the Google identity-aware proxy (IAP):
# payload = Google::Auth::IDTokens.verify_iap the_token,
# aud: "my-app-client-id"
# These methods will automatically download and cache the Google public
# keys necessary to verify these tokens. They will also automatically
# verify the issuer (`iss`) field for their respective types of ID tokens.
# ### Advanced usage
# If you want to provide your own public keys, either by pointing at a
# custom URI or by providing the key data directly, use the Verifier class
# and pass in a key source.
# To point to a custom URI that returns a JWK set:
# source = Google::Auth::IDTokens::JwkHttpKeySource.new "https://example.com/jwk"
# verifier = Google::Auth::IDTokens::Verifier.new key_source: source
# payload = verifier.verify the_token, aud: "my-app-client-id"
# To provide key data directly:
# jwk_data = {
# keys: [
# {
# alg: "ES256",
# crv: "P-256",
# kid: "LYyP2g",
# kty: "EC",
# use: "sig",
# x: "SlXFFkJ3JxMsXyXNrqzE3ozl_0913PmNbccLLWfeQFU",
# y: "GLSahrZfBErmMUcHP0MGaeVnJdBwquhrhQ8eP05NfCI"
# }
# ]
# }
# source = Google::Auth::IDTokens::StaticKeySource.from_jwk_set jwk_data
# verifier = Google::Auth::IDTokens::Verifier key_source: source
# payload = verifier.verify the_token, aud: "my-app-client-id"
module IDTokens
# A list of issuers expected for Google OIDC-issued tokens.
# @return [Array<String>]
OIDC_ISSUERS = ["accounts.google.com", "https://accounts.google.com"].freeze
# A list of issuers expected for Google IAP-issued tokens.
# @return [Array<String>]
IAP_ISSUERS = ["https://cloud.google.com/iap"].freeze
# The URL for Google OAuth2 V3 public certs
# @return [String]
OAUTH2_V3_CERTS_URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs"
# The URL for Google IAP public keys
# @return [String]
IAP_JWK_URL = "https://www.gstatic.com/iap/verify/public_key-jwk"
class << self
# The key source providing public keys that can be used to verify
# ID tokens issued by Google OIDC.
# @return [Google::Auth::IDTokens::JwkHttpKeySource]
def oidc_key_source
@oidc_key_source ||= JwkHttpKeySource.new OAUTH2_V3_CERTS_URL
# The key source providing public keys that can be used to verify
# ID tokens issued by Google IAP.
# @return [Google::Auth::IDTokens::JwkHttpKeySource]
def iap_key_source
@iap_key_source ||= JwkHttpKeySource.new IAP_JWK_URL
# Reset all convenience key sources. Used for testing.
# @private
def forget_sources!
@oidc_key_source = @iap_key_source = nil
# A convenience method that verifies a token allegedly issued by Google
# @param token [String] The ID token to verify
# @param aud [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected audience. At least
# one `aud` field in the token must match at least one of the
# provided audiences, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::AudienceMismatchError}. If `nil` (the
# default), no audience checking is performed.
# @param azp [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected authorized party
# (azp). At least one `azp` field in the token must match at least
# one of the provided values, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::AuthorizedPartyMismatchError}. If `nil`
# (the default), no azp checking is performed.
# @param iss [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected issuer. At least
# one `iss` field in the token must match at least one of the
# provided issuers, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::IssuerMismatchError}. If `nil`, no issuer
# checking is performed. Default is to check against {OIDC_ISSUERS}.
# @return [Hash] The decoded token payload.
# @raise [KeySourceError] if the key source failed to obtain public keys
# @raise [VerificationError] if the token verification failed.
# Additional data may be available in the error subclass and message.
def verify_oidc token,
aud: nil,
azp: nil,
verifier = Verifier.new key_source: oidc_key_source,
aud: aud,
azp: azp,
iss: iss
verifier.verify token
# A convenience method that verifies a token allegedly issued by Google
# IAP.
# @param token [String] The ID token to verify
# @param aud [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected audience. At least
# one `aud` field in the token must match at least one of the
# provided audiences, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::AudienceMismatchError}. If `nil` (the
# default), no audience checking is performed.
# @param azp [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected authorized party
# (azp). At least one `azp` field in the token must match at least
# one of the provided values, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::AuthorizedPartyMismatchError}. If `nil`
# (the default), no azp checking is performed.
# @param iss [String,Array<String>,nil] The expected issuer. At least
# one `iss` field in the token must match at least one of the
# provided issuers, or the verification will fail with
# {Google::Auth::IDToken::IssuerMismatchError}. If `nil`, no issuer
# checking is performed. Default is to check against {IAP_ISSUERS}.
# @return [Hash] The decoded token payload.
# @raise [KeySourceError] if the key source failed to obtain public keys
# @raise [VerificationError] if the token verification failed.
# Additional data may be available in the error subclass and message.
def verify_iap token,
aud: nil,
azp: nil,
verifier = Verifier.new key_source: iap_key_source,
aud: aud,
azp: azp,
iss: iss
verifier.verify token