# Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "base64" require "json" require "signet/oauth_2/client" require "googleauth/base_client" module Signet # OAuth2 supports OAuth2 authentication. module OAuth2 # Signet::OAuth2::Client creates an OAuth2 client # # This reopens Client to add #apply and #apply! methods which update a # hash with the fetched authentication token. class Client include Google::Auth::BaseClient alias update_token_signet_base update_token! def update_token! options = {} options = deep_hash_normalize options id_token_expires_at = expires_at_from_id_token options[:id_token] options[:expires_at] = id_token_expires_at if id_token_expires_at update_token_signet_base options self.universe_domain = options[:universe_domain] if options.key? :universe_domain self end def configure_connection options @connection_info = options[:connection_builder] || options[:default_connection] self end # The token type as symbol, either :id_token or :access_token def token_type target_audience ? :id_token : :access_token end # Set the universe domain attr_accessor :universe_domain alias orig_fetch_access_token! fetch_access_token! def fetch_access_token! options = {} unless options[:connection] connection = build_default_connection options = options.merge connection: connection if connection end info = retry_with_error do orig_fetch_access_token! options end notify_refresh_listeners info end alias googleauth_orig_generate_access_token_request generate_access_token_request def generate_access_token_request options = {} parameters = googleauth_orig_generate_access_token_request options logger&.info do Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Requesting access token from #{parameters['grant_type']}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end logger&.debug do Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Token fetch params: #{parameters}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end parameters end def build_default_connection if !defined?(@connection_info) nil elsif @connection_info.respond_to? :call else @connection_info end end def retry_with_error max_retry_count = 5 retry_count = 0 begin yield.tap { |resp| log_response resp } rescue StandardError => e if e.is_a?(Signet::AuthorizationError) || e.is_a?(Signet::ParseError) log_auth_error e raise e end if retry_count < max_retry_count log_transient_error e retry_count += 1 sleep retry_count * 0.3 retry else log_retries_exhausted e msg = "Unexpected error: #{e.inspect}" raise Signet::AuthorizationError, msg end end end private def expires_at_from_id_token id_token match = /^[\w=-]+\.([\w=-]+)\.[\w=-]+$/.match id_token.to_s return unless match json = JSON.parse Base64.urlsafe_decode64 match[1] return unless json.key? "exp" json["exp"].to_i rescue StandardError # Shouldn't happen unless we get a garbled ID token nil end def log_response token_response response_hash = JSON.parse token_response rescue {} if response_hash["access_token"] digest = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest response_hash["access_token"] response_hash["access_token"] = "(sha256:#{digest})" end if response_hash["id_token"] digest = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest response_hash["id_token"] response_hash["id_token"] = "(sha256:#{digest})" end Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Received auth token response: #{response_hash}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end def log_auth_error err logger&.info do Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Auth error when fetching auth token: #{err}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end end def log_transient_error err logger&.info do Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Transient error when fetching auth token: #{err}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end end def log_retries_exhausted err logger&.info do Google::Logging::Message.from( message: "Exhausted retries when fetching auth token: #{err}", "credentialsId" => object_id ) end end end end end