
require 'guard/plugin/base'

module Guard

  # Base class from which every Guard plugin implementation must inherit.
  # Guard will trigger the {#start}, {#stop}, {#reload}, {#run_all} and
  # {#run_on_changes} ({#run_on_additions}, {#run_on_modifications} and
  # {#run_on_removals}) task methods depending on user interaction and file
  # modification.
  # {#run_on_changes} could be implemented to handle all the changes task case
  # (additions, modifications, removals) in once, or each task can be
  # implemented separately with a specific behavior.
  # In each of these Guard task methods you have to implement some work when
  # you want to support this kind of task. The return value of each Guard task
  # method is not evaluated by Guard, but it'll be passed to the "_end" hook
  # for further evaluation. You can throw `:task_has_failed` to indicate that
  # your Guard plugin method was not successful, and successive Guard plugin
  # tasks will be aborted when the group has set the `:halt_on_fail` option.
  # @see Guard::Base
  # @see Guard::Hooker
  # @see Guard::Group
  # @example Throw :task_has_failed
  #   def run_all
  #     if !['all'])
  #       throw :task_has_failed
  #     end
  #   end
  # Each Guard plugin should provide a template Guardfile located within the Gem
  # at `lib/guard/guard-name/templates/Guardfile`.
  # Watchers for a Guard plugin should return a file path or an array of files
  # paths to Guard, but if your Guard plugin wants to allow any return value
  # from a watcher, you can set the `any_return` option to true.
  # If one of those methods raises an exception other than `:task_has_failed`,
  # the `Guard::GuardName` instance will be removed from the active Guard
  # plugins.
  class Plugin
    include Base

    # Initializes a Guard plugin.
    # Don't do any work here, especially as Guard plugins get initialized even
    # if they are not in an active group!
    # @param [Hash] options the Guard plugin options
    # @option options [Array<Guard::Watcher>] watchers the Guard plugin file
    #   watchers
    # @option options [Symbol] group the group this Guard plugin belongs to
    # @option options [Boolean] any_return allow any object to be returned from
    #   a watcher
    def initialize(options = {})
