class Protocol::HPACK::Decompressor
appropriate starting context based on local role: client or server.
context of the opposing peer. Decompressor must be initialized with
Responsible for decoding received headers and maintaining compression
def decode(list = [])
- +[[name, value], ...]+
) --
def decode(list = []) while !end? command = read_header if pair = @context.decode(command) list << pair end end if command and command[:type] == :change_table_size raise CompressionError, "Trailing table size update!" end return list end
def end?
def end? @offset >= @buffer.bytesize end
def initialize(buffer, context =, table_size_limit: nil)
def initialize(buffer, context =, table_size_limit: nil) @buffer = buffer @context = context @offset = 0 @table_size_limit = table_size_limit end
def peek_byte
def peek_byte @buffer.getbyte(@offset) end
def read_byte
def read_byte if byte = @buffer.getbyte(@offset) @offset += 1 end return byte end
def read_bytes(length)
def read_bytes(length) slice = @buffer.byteslice(@offset, length) @offset += length return slice end
def read_header
- command
) --
def read_header pattern = peek_byte header = {} type = nil # (pattern & MASK_SHIFT_4) clears bottom 4 bits, # equivalent to (pattern >> 4) << 4. For the # no-index and never-indexed type we only need to clear # the bottom 4 bits (as specified by NO_INDEX_TYPE[:prefix]) # so we directly check against NO_INDEX_TYPE[:pattern]. # But for change-table-size, incremental, and indexed # we must clear 5,6, and 7 bits respectively. # Consider indexed where we need to clear 7 bits. # Since (pattern & MASK_SHIFT_4)'s bottom 4 bits are cleared # you can visualize it as # # INDEXED_TYPE[:pattern] = <some bits> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7 bits # (pattern & MASK_SHIFT_4) = <pattern bits> b1 b2 b3 0 0 0 0 # # Computing equality after masking bottom 7 bits (i.e., set b1 = b2 = b3 = 0) # is the same as checking equality against # <some bits> x1 x2 x3 0 0 0 0 # For *every* possible value of x1, x2, x3 (that is, 2^3 = 8 values). # INDEXED_TYPE[:pattern] = 0x80, so we check against 0x80, 0x90 = 0x80 + (0b001 << 4) # 0xa0 = 0x80 + (0b001 << 5), ..., 0xf0 = 0x80 + (0b111 << 4). # While not the most readable, we have written out everything as constant literals # so Ruby can optimize this case-when to a hash lookup. # # There's no else case as this list is exhaustive. # (0..255).map { |x| (x & -16).to_s(16) }.uniq will show this case (pattern & MASK_SHIFT_4) when 0x00 header[:type] = :no_index type = NO_INDEX_TYPE when 0x10 header[:type] = :never_indexed type = NEVER_INDEXED_TYPE # checking if (pattern >> 5) << 5 == 0x20 # Since we cleared bottom 4 bits, the 5th # bit can be either 0 or 1, so check both # cases. when 0x20, 0x30 header[:type] = :change_table_size type = CHANGE_TABLE_SIZE_TYPE # checking if (pattern >> 6) << 6 == 0x40 # Same logic as above, but now over the 4 # possible combinations of 2 bits (5th, 6th) when 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70 header[:type] = :incremental type = INCREMENTAL_TYPE # checking if (pattern >> 7) << 7 == 0x80 when 0x80, 0x90, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xf0 header[:type] = :indexed type = INDEXED_TYPE end header_name = read_integer(type[:prefix]) case header[:type] when :indexed raise CompressionError if header[:name] = header_name - 1 when :change_table_size header[:name] = header_name header[:value] = header_name if @table_size_limit and header[:value] > @table_size_limit raise CompressionError, "Table size #{header[:value]} exceeds limit #{@table_size_limit}!" end else if header[:name] = read_string else header[:name] = header_name - 1 end header[:value] = read_string end return header end
def read_integer(bits)
) -- number of available bits
def read_integer(bits) limit = 2**bits - 1 value = ? 0 : (read_byte & limit) shift = 0 while byte = read_byte value += ((byte & 127) << shift) shift += 7 break if (byte & 128).zero? end if (value == limit) return value end
def read_string
- when input is malformed
- UTF-8 encoded string
def read_string huffman = (peek_byte & 0x80) == 0x80 length = read_integer(7) raise CompressionError, "Invalid string length!" unless length string = read_bytes(length) raise CompressionError, "Invalid string length, got #{string.bytesize}, expecting #{length}!" unless string.bytesize == length string = Huffman.decode(string) if huffman return string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end