
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Released under the MIT License.
# Copyright, 2014-2015, by Kaoru Maeda.
# Copyright, 2015, by Ilya Grigorik.
# Copyright, 2015, by Tamir Duberstein.
# Copyright, 2018-2024, by Samuel Williams.
# Copyright, 2022, by Daniel Morrison.
# Copyright, 2024, by Nathan Froyd.

require_relative "huffman/machine"
require_relative "error"

module Protocol
	module HPACK
		# Implementation of huffman encoding for HPACK.
		class Huffman
			EOS = 256

			# Encodes provided value via huffman encoding.
			# Length is not encoded in this method.
			# @param str [String]
			# @return [String] binary string
			def self.encode(str)
				bitstring = {|chr| ENCODE_TABLE[chr]}.join
				bitstring << "1" * ((8 - bitstring.size) % 8)

			# Decodes provided Huffman coded string.
			# @param buf [Buffer]
			# @return [String] binary string
			# @raise [CompressionError] when Huffman coded string is malformed
			def self.decode(buffer)
				emit =
				state = 0 # start state

				mask = (1 << BITS_AT_ONCE) - 1
				buffer.each_byte do |c|
					shift = BITS_AT_ONCE
					while shift >= 0
						branch = (c >> shift) & mask
						# MACHINE[state] = [final, [transitions]]
						#  [final] unfinished bits so far are prefix of the EOS code.
						# Each transition is [emit, next]
						#  [emit] character to be emitted on this transition, empty string, or EOS.
						#  [next] next state number.
						value, state = MACHINE[state][branch]
						raise CompressionError, "Huffman decode error (EOS found)" if value == EOS
						emit << value.chr if value
						shift -= BITS_AT_ONCE
				# Check whether partial input is correctly filled
				unless state <= MAX_FINAL_STATE
					raise CompressionError, "Huffman decode error (EOS invalid)"

			# Huffman table as specified in
			CODES = [
				[0x1ff8, 13],
				[0x7fffd8, 23],
				[0xfffffe2, 28],
				[0xfffffe3, 28],
				[0xfffffe4, 28],
				[0xfffffe5, 28],
				[0xfffffe6, 28],
				[0xfffffe7, 28],
				[0xfffffe8, 28],
				[0xffffea, 24],
				[0x3ffffffc, 30],
				[0xfffffe9, 28],
				[0xfffffea, 28],
				[0x3ffffffd, 30],
				[0xfffffeb, 28],
				[0xfffffec, 28],
				[0xfffffed, 28],
				[0xfffffee, 28],
				[0xfffffef, 28],
				[0xffffff0, 28],
				[0xffffff1, 28],
				[0xffffff2, 28],
				[0x3ffffffe, 30],
				[0xffffff3, 28],
				[0xffffff4, 28],
				[0xffffff5, 28],
				[0xffffff6, 28],
				[0xffffff7, 28],
				[0xffffff8, 28],
				[0xffffff9, 28],
				[0xffffffa, 28],
				[0xffffffb, 28],
				[0x14, 6],
				[0x3f8, 10],
				[0x3f9, 10],
				[0xffa, 12],
				[0x1ff9, 13],
				[0x15, 6],
				[0xf8, 8],
				[0x7fa, 11],
				[0x3fa, 10],
				[0x3fb, 10],
				[0xf9, 8],
				[0x7fb, 11],
				[0xfa, 8],
				[0x16, 6],
				[0x17, 6],
				[0x18, 6],
				[0x0, 5],
				[0x1, 5],
				[0x2, 5],
				[0x19, 6],
				[0x1a, 6],
				[0x1b, 6],
				[0x1c, 6],
				[0x1d, 6],
				[0x1e, 6],
				[0x1f, 6],
				[0x5c, 7],
				[0xfb, 8],
				[0x7ffc, 15],
				[0x20, 6],
				[0xffb, 12],
				[0x3fc, 10],
				[0x1ffa, 13],
				[0x21, 6],
				[0x5d, 7],
				[0x5e, 7],
				[0x5f, 7],
				[0x60, 7],
				[0x61, 7],
				[0x62, 7],
				[0x63, 7],
				[0x64, 7],
				[0x65, 7],
				[0x66, 7],
				[0x67, 7],
				[0x68, 7],
				[0x69, 7],
				[0x6a, 7],
				[0x6b, 7],
				[0x6c, 7],
				[0x6d, 7],
				[0x6e, 7],
				[0x6f, 7],
				[0x70, 7],
				[0x71, 7],
				[0x72, 7],
				[0xfc, 8],
				[0x73, 7],
				[0xfd, 8],
				[0x1ffb, 13],
				[0x7fff0, 19],
				[0x1ffc, 13],
				[0x3ffc, 14],
				[0x22, 6],
				[0x7ffd, 15],
				[0x3, 5],
				[0x23, 6],
				[0x4, 5],
				[0x24, 6],
				[0x5, 5],
				[0x25, 6],
				[0x26, 6],
				[0x27, 6],
				[0x6, 5],
				[0x74, 7],
				[0x75, 7],
				[0x28, 6],
				[0x29, 6],
				[0x2a, 6],
				[0x7, 5],
				[0x2b, 6],
				[0x76, 7],
				[0x2c, 6],
				[0x8, 5],
				[0x9, 5],
				[0x2d, 6],
				[0x77, 7],
				[0x78, 7],
				[0x79, 7],
				[0x7a, 7],
				[0x7b, 7],
				[0x7ffe, 15],
				[0x7fc, 11],
				[0x3ffd, 14],
				[0x1ffd, 13],
				[0xffffffc, 28],
				[0xfffe6, 20],
				[0x3fffd2, 22],
				[0xfffe7, 20],
				[0xfffe8, 20],
				[0x3fffd3, 22],
				[0x3fffd4, 22],
				[0x3fffd5, 22],
				[0x7fffd9, 23],
				[0x3fffd6, 22],
				[0x7fffda, 23],
				[0x7fffdb, 23],
				[0x7fffdc, 23],
				[0x7fffdd, 23],
				[0x7fffde, 23],
				[0xffffeb, 24],
				[0x7fffdf, 23],
				[0xffffec, 24],
				[0xffffed, 24],
				[0x3fffd7, 22],
				[0x7fffe0, 23],
				[0xffffee, 24],
				[0x7fffe1, 23],
				[0x7fffe2, 23],
				[0x7fffe3, 23],
				[0x7fffe4, 23],
				[0x1fffdc, 21],
				[0x3fffd8, 22],
				[0x7fffe5, 23],
				[0x3fffd9, 22],
				[0x7fffe6, 23],
				[0x7fffe7, 23],
				[0xffffef, 24],
				[0x3fffda, 22],
				[0x1fffdd, 21],
				[0xfffe9, 20],
				[0x3fffdb, 22],
				[0x3fffdc, 22],
				[0x7fffe8, 23],
				[0x7fffe9, 23],
				[0x1fffde, 21],
				[0x7fffea, 23],
				[0x3fffdd, 22],
				[0x3fffde, 22],
				[0xfffff0, 24],
				[0x1fffdf, 21],
				[0x3fffdf, 22],
				[0x7fffeb, 23],
				[0x7fffec, 23],
				[0x1fffe0, 21],
				[0x1fffe1, 21],
				[0x3fffe0, 22],
				[0x1fffe2, 21],
				[0x7fffed, 23],
				[0x3fffe1, 22],
				[0x7fffee, 23],
				[0x7fffef, 23],
				[0xfffea, 20],
				[0x3fffe2, 22],
				[0x3fffe3, 22],
				[0x3fffe4, 22],
				[0x7ffff0, 23],
				[0x3fffe5, 22],
				[0x3fffe6, 22],
				[0x7ffff1, 23],
				[0x3ffffe0, 26],
				[0x3ffffe1, 26],
				[0xfffeb, 20],
				[0x7fff1, 19],
				[0x3fffe7, 22],
				[0x7ffff2, 23],
				[0x3fffe8, 22],
				[0x1ffffec, 25],
				[0x3ffffe2, 26],
				[0x3ffffe3, 26],
				[0x3ffffe4, 26],
				[0x7ffffde, 27],
				[0x7ffffdf, 27],
				[0x3ffffe5, 26],
				[0xfffff1, 24],
				[0x1ffffed, 25],
				[0x7fff2, 19],
				[0x1fffe3, 21],
				[0x3ffffe6, 26],
				[0x7ffffe0, 27],
				[0x7ffffe1, 27],
				[0x3ffffe7, 26],
				[0x7ffffe2, 27],
				[0xfffff2, 24],
				[0x1fffe4, 21],
				[0x1fffe5, 21],
				[0x3ffffe8, 26],
				[0x3ffffe9, 26],
				[0xffffffd, 28],
				[0x7ffffe3, 27],
				[0x7ffffe4, 27],
				[0x7ffffe5, 27],
				[0xfffec, 20],
				[0xfffff3, 24],
				[0xfffed, 20],
				[0x1fffe6, 21],
				[0x3fffe9, 22],
				[0x1fffe7, 21],
				[0x1fffe8, 21],
				[0x7ffff3, 23],
				[0x3fffea, 22],
				[0x3fffeb, 22],
				[0x1ffffee, 25],
				[0x1ffffef, 25],
				[0xfffff4, 24],
				[0xfffff5, 24],
				[0x3ffffea, 26],
				[0x7ffff4, 23],
				[0x3ffffeb, 26],
				[0x7ffffe6, 27],
				[0x3ffffec, 26],
				[0x3ffffed, 26],
				[0x7ffffe7, 27],
				[0x7ffffe8, 27],
				[0x7ffffe9, 27],
				[0x7ffffea, 27],
				[0x7ffffeb, 27],
				[0xffffffe, 28],
				[0x7ffffec, 27],
				[0x7ffffed, 27],
				[0x7ffffee, 27],
				[0x7ffffef, 27],
				[0x7fffff0, 27],
				[0x3ffffee, 26],
				[0x3fffffff, 30],
			ENCODE_TABLE = {|c, l| [c].pack("N").unpack1("B*")[-l..-1]}.each(&:freeze).freeze