class Protocol::HTTP::Response
Protocol::HTTP::Response[200, {“content-type” => “text/html”}, [“Hello, World!”]]
# Short form:“http/1.1”, 200, Protocol::HTTP::Headers[[“content-type”, “text/html”]], Protocol::HTTP::Body::Buffered.wrap(“Hello, World!”))
# Long form:
require ‘protocol/http’
~~~ ruby
Represents an HTTP response which can be used both server and client-side.
def self.[](status, _headers = nil, _body = nil, headers: _headers, body: _body, protocol: nil)
@parameter headers [Hash] The headers, e.g. `{"content-type" => "text/html"}`, etc.
@parameter status [Integer] The HTTP status code, e.g. `200`, `404`, etc.
Response[200, {"content-type" => "text/html"}, ["Hello, World!"]]
~~~ ruby
A short-cut method which exposes the main response variables that you'd typically care about. It follows the same order as the `Rack` response tuple, but also includes the protocol.
def self.[](status, _headers = nil, _body = nil, headers: _headers, body: _body, protocol: nil) body = Body::Buffered.wrap(body) headers = Headers[headers], status, headers, body, protocol) end
def self.for_exception(exception)
Create a response for the given exception.
def self.for_exception(exception) Response[500, Headers["content-type" => "text/plain"], ["#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"]] end
def as_json(...)
Convert the response to a hash suitable for serialization.
def as_json(...) { version: @version, status: @status, headers: @headers&.as_json, body: @body&.as_json, protocol: @protocol } end
def bad_request?
def bad_request? @status == 400 end
def continue?
def continue? @status == 100 end
def failure?
def failure? @status and @status >= 400 && @status < 600 end
def final?
def final? # 101 is effectively a final status. @status and @status >= 200 || @status == 101 end
def hijack?
def hijack? false end
def informational?
def informational? @status and @status >= 100 && @status < 200 end
def initialize(version = nil, status = 200, headers =, body = nil, protocol = nil)
@parameter body [Body::Readable] The body, e.g. `"Hello, World!"`, etc.
@parameter headers [Hash] The headers, e.g. `{"content-type" => "text/html"}`, etc.
@parameter status [Integer] The HTTP status code, e.g. `200`, `404`, etc.
@parameter version [String | Nil] The HTTP version, e.g. `"HTTP/1.1"`. If `nil`, the version may be provided by the server sending the response.
Create a new response.
def initialize(version = nil, status = 200, headers =, body = nil, protocol = nil) @version = version @status = status @headers = headers @body = body @protocol = protocol end
def internal_server_error?
def internal_server_error? @status == 500 end
def not_modified?
def not_modified? @status == 304 end
def ok?
def ok? @status == 200 end
def partial?
def partial? @status == 206 end
def peer
A response that is generated by a client, may choose to include the peer (address) associated with the response. It should be implemented by a sub-class.
def peer nil end
def preserve_method?
def preserve_method? @status == 307 || @status == 308 end
def redirection?
def redirection? @status and @status >= 300 && @status < 400 end
def success?
def success? @status and @status >= 200 && @status < 300 end
def to_ary
Implicit conversion to an array.
def to_ary return @status, @headers, @body end
def to_json(...)
Convert the response to JSON.
def to_json(...) as_json.to_json(...) end
def to_s
Summarise the response as a string.
def to_s "#{@status} #{@version}" end