module Protocol::HTTP::URL
def self.assign(keys, value, parent)
@parameter value [Object] The value to assign.
@parameter keys [Array(String)] The parts of the key.
Assign a value to a nested hash.
def self.assign(keys, value, parent) top, *middle = keys middle.each_with_index do |key, index| if key.nil? or key.empty? parent = (parent[top] ||= top = parent.size if nested = middle[index+1] and last = parent.last top -= 1 unless last.include?(nested) end else parent = (parent[top] ||= top = key end end parent[top] = value end
def self.decode(string, maximum = 8, symbolize_keys: false)
@parameter symbolize_keys [Boolean] Whether to symbolize keys.
@parameter maximum [Integer] The maximum number of keys in a path.
@parameter string [String] The query string to decode.
Decode a URL-encoded query string into a hash.
def self.decode(string, maximum = 8, symbolize_keys: false) parameters = {} self.scan(string) do |name, value| keys = self.split(name) if keys.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key path: #{name.inspect}!" end if keys.size > maximum raise ArgumentError, "Key length exceeded limit!" end if symbolize_keys keys.collect!{|key| key.empty? ? nil : key.to_sym} end self.assign(keys, value, parameters) end return parameters end
def self.encode(value, prefix = nil)
@parameter value [Hash | Array | Nil] The value to encode.
Encodes a hash or array into a query string. This method is used to encode query parameters in a URL. For example, `{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}` is encoded as `a=1&b=2`.
def self.encode(value, prefix = nil) case value when Array return {|v| self.encode(v, "#{prefix}[]") }.join("&") when Hash return {|k, v| self.encode(v, prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{escape(k.to_s)}]" : escape(k.to_s)) }.reject(&:empty?).join("&") when nil return prefix else raise ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash" if prefix.nil? return "#{prefix}=#{escape(value.to_s)}" end end
def self.escape(string, encoding = string.encoding)
@parameter string [String] The string to escape.
Escapes a string using percent encoding, e.g. `a b` -> `a%20b`.
def self.escape(string, encoding = string.encoding) string.b.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+)/) do |m| "%" + m.unpack("H2" * m.bytesize).join("%").upcase end.force_encoding(encoding) end
def self.escape_path(path)
@parameter path [String] The path to escape.
Escapes non-path characters using percent encoding. In other words, this method escapes characters that are not allowed in a URI path segment. According to RFC 3986 Section 3.3 (, a valid path segment consists of "pchar" characters. This method percent-encodes characters that are not "pchar" characters.
def self.escape_path(path) encoding = path.encoding path.b.gsub(NON_PATH_CHARACTER_PATTERN) do |m| "%" + m.unpack("H2" * m.bytesize).join("%").upcase end.force_encoding(encoding) end
def self.scan(string)
@parameter key [String] The unescaped key.
@yields {|key, value| ...}
Scan a string for URL-encoded key/value pairs.
def self.scan(string) string.split("&") do |assignment| next if assignment.empty? key, value = assignment.split("=", 2) yield unescape(key), value.nil? ? value : unescape(value) end end
def self.split(name)
@parameter name [String] The key to split.
Split a key into parts, e.g. `a[b][c]` -> `["a", "b", "c"]`.
def self.split(name) name.scan(/([^\[]+)|(?:\[(.*?)\])/)&.tap do |parts| parts.flatten! parts.compact! end end
def self.unescape(string, encoding = string.encoding)
@parameter string [String] The string to unescape.
Unescapes a percent encoded string, e.g. `a%20b` -> `a b`.
def self.unescape(string, encoding = string.encoding) string.b.gsub(/%(\h\h)/) do |hex| Integer($1, 16).chr end.force_encoding(encoding) end