class Puma::ThreadPool
def shutdown(timeout=-1)
threads. Finally, wait 1 second for remaining threads to exit.
Next, wait an extra +@shutdown_grace_time+ seconds then force-kill remaining
Wait +timeout+ seconds then raise +ForceShutdown+ in remaining threads.
Tell all threads in the pool to exit and wait for them to finish.
def shutdown(timeout=-1) threads = with_mutex do @shutdown = true @trim_requested = @spawned @not_empty.broadcast @not_full.broadcast @auto_trim&.stop @reaper&.stop # dup workers so that we join them all safely @workers.dup end if timeout == -1 # Wait for threads to finish without force shutdown. threads.each(&:join) else join = ->(inner_timeout) do start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) threads.reject! do |t| elapsed = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start t.join inner_timeout - elapsed end end # Wait +timeout+ seconds for threads to finish. # If threads are still running, raise ForceShutdown and wait to finish. @shutdown_mutex.synchronize do @force_shutdown = true threads.each do |t| t.raise ForceShutdown if t[:with_force_shutdown] end end # If threads are _still_ running, forcefully kill them and wait to finish. threads.each(&:kill) end @spawned = 0 @workers = [] end