class Puma::MiniSSL::Socket
def bad_tlsv1_3?
- Version: - 5.0.0
def bad_tlsv1_3? HAS_TLS1_3 && ssl_version_state == ['TLSv1.3', 'SSLERR'] end
def close
def close begin unless @engine.shutdown while alert_data = @engine.extract @socket.write alert_data end end rescue IOError, SystemCallError Puma::Util.purge_interrupt_queue # nothing ensure @socket.close end end
def closed?
def closed? @socket.closed? end
def engine_read_all
def engine_read_all output = while output and additional_output = output << additional_output end output end
def flush
def flush @socket.flush end
def initialize(socket, engine)
def initialize(socket, engine) @socket = socket @engine = engine @peercert = nil @reuse = nil end
def peeraddr
def peeraddr @socket.peeraddr end
def peercert
(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate, nil)
def peercert return @peercert if @peercert raw = @engine.peercert return nil unless raw @peercert = raw end
def read_nonblock(size, *_)
def read_nonblock(size, *_) # *_ is to deal with keyword args that were added # at some point (and being used in the wild) while true output = engine_read_all return output if output data = @socket.read_nonblock(size, exception: false) if data == :wait_readable || data == :wait_writable # It would make more sense to let @socket.read_nonblock raise # EAGAIN if necessary but it seems like it'll misbehave on Windows. # I don't have a Windows machine to debug this so I can't explain # exactly whats happening in that OS. Please let me know if you # find out! # # In the meantime, we can emulate the correct behavior by # capturing :wait_readable & :wait_writable and raising EAGAIN # ourselves. raise IO::EAGAINWaitReadable elsif data.nil? raise SSLError.exception "HTTP connection?" if bad_tlsv1_3? return nil end @engine.inject(data) output = engine_read_all return output if output while neg_data = @engine.extract @socket.write neg_data end end end
def readpartial(size)
def readpartial(size) while true output = return output if output data = @socket.readpartial(size) @engine.inject(data) output = return output if output while neg_data = @engine.extract @socket.write neg_data end end end
def ssl_version_state
- Version: - 5.0.0
def ssl_version_state IS_JRUBY ? [nil, nil] : @engine.ssl_vers_st end
def to_io
def to_io @socket end
def write(data)
def write(data) return 0 if data.empty? data_size = data.bytesize need = data_size while true wrote = @engine.write data enc_wr = +'' while (enc = @engine.extract) enc_wr << enc end @socket.write enc_wr unless enc_wr.empty? need -= wrote return data_size if need == 0 data = data.byteslice(wrote..-1) end end
def write_nonblock(data, *_)
go ahead and actually block in write_nonblock.
So for the time being (and since write blocking is quite rare),
it had already written the data in.
code would pass the same data in, but the engine would think
write_nonblock call might raise an exception and later
an engine because after we write+extract, the socket
is that it means we'd have to have the ability to rewind
The problem with implementing it properly
def write_nonblock(data, *_) write data end