class Puma::NullIO
Used as the value for rack.input when the request has no body.
Provides an IO-like object that always appears to contain no data.
def close
def close end
def closed?
def closed? false end
def each
def each end
def eof?
def eof? true end
def flush
def flush self end
def gets
def gets nil end
def puts(*ary)
def puts(*ary) end
def read(length = nil, buffer = nil)
Mimics IO#read with no data.
def read(length = nil, buffer = nil) if length.to_i < 0 raise ArgumentError, "(negative length #{length} given)" end buffer = if buffer.nil? "".b else String.try_convert(buffer) or raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{buffer.class} into String" end buffer.clear if length.to_i > 0 nil else buffer end end
def rewind
def rewind end
def size
def size 0 end
def string
def string "" end
def sync
def sync true end
def sync=(v)
def sync=(v) end
def write(*ary)
def write(*ary) end