class Rack::Lint::Wrapper
def check_hijack_response(headers, env)
# streaming.
# It is intended to be used when applications need bi-directional
# the server and causes the server to ignore the Body of the response.
# response body. It occurs after the status and headers are written by
# Partial hijack is used for bi-directional streaming of the request and
# ==== Partial Hijack
def check_hijack_response(headers, env) ## If +rack.hijack?+ is present in +env+ and truthy, if env[RACK_IS_HIJACK] ## an application may set the special response header +rack.hijack+ if original_hijack = headers[RACK_HIJACK] ## to an object that responds to +call+, unless original_hijack.respond_to?(:call) raise LintError, 'rack.hijack header must respond to #call' end ## accepting a +stream+ argument. return proc do |io| end end ## ## After the response status and headers have been sent, this hijack ## callback will be invoked with a +stream+ argument which follows the ## same interface as outlined in "Streaming Body". Servers must ## ignore the +body+ part of the response tuple when the ## +rack.hijack+ response header is present. Using an empty +Array+ ## instance is recommended. else ## ## The special response header +rack.hijack+ must only be set ## if the request +env+ has a truthy +rack.hijack?+. if headers.key?(RACK_HIJACK) raise LintError, 'rack.hijack header must not be present if server does not support hijacking' end end nil end